Committers Call 2011-06-13
Committers Call 2011-06-13
Julie Meloni
Rick Johnson
Bess Sadler
Matt Zumwalt (moderator)
Eddie Shin (note-taker)
Molly Pickral
Mike Stroming
Bill Parod
John Scofield
Jessie Keck
Simon Lamb
Richard Garbutt
Full Text Extraction
Destroyable_objects bug
Discuss: child_objects vs. file_objects
APO implementation at Hull
Modeling EAD in Fedora
OR11 update
Full Text Extraction
- http://wiki.apache.org/solr/UpdateRichDocuments (deprecated?)
- Link to Erik Hatcher's presentation (Bess?)
- Issue: merging the PDF-extracted Solr doc & Hydra-model generated Solr doc
- Bill: question regarding stop-words
- MediaShelf will report back on its implementation next week
Destroyable_objects bug
- Hudson build for hydra-head was failing b/c jetty wasn't getting cleaned out
- file objects methods which default to a 25 object limit
- implies ui pagination reqs
Discuss: child_objects vs. file_assets
- John proposed a child objects method as a more generic approach
- Rick (ND) & Bill (NWU) interested in fleshing out this approach.
- ACTION: Discuss further on hydra-tech list
APO implementation at Hull
- Distinguishing the management/administrative sets from display/intellectual arrangement sets
- Desire to establish a common vocab for discussing the issue and if possible, a common, baseline implementation that specific impls can extend or specialize.
- ACTION: schedule call with interested parties on hydra-tech
Modeling EAD in Fedora
- ND's approach, for each level component, create Fedora object, with relations in RELS-EXT
- Summary of ND's approach is here: Atrium EAD Content Modelling
- Rick also noted the following bug in serializing the relations: https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/HYDRA-495
OR11 update
- Technical update: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/hydra/Hydra+Technical+Update+June+2011
- See Priorities & What's Next
- https://spreadsheets.google.com/a/yourmediashelf.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au0ZyEG55J_1dGZ5dTZmTTJodURRcFBLRzNUTXZJbHc&hl=en_US&authkey=CNPzu8AD#gid=0
- New Project Hydra website: http://www.projecthydra.org/
- Partners/Adopters with demos should write up desc and send to Julie
- Fedora 3.6 performance benchmarks
- Hydra on Pairtree
Bill Parod will be notetaker next week