Committers Call 2013-07-22

Committers Call 2013-07-22


  • Moderator: Jeremy Friesen (ND)
  • Notetaker: Mike Stroming (NU)
  • Edgar Garcia (NU)
  • Michael Klein (NU)
  • Adam Hallett (NU)
  • Mike Giarlo (PSU)
  • Joni Barnoff (PSU)
  • Mike Tribone (PSU)
  • Justin Patterson (PSU)
  • Dan Coughlin (PSU)
  • Carolyn Cole (PSU)
  • Ben Goldman (PSU)
  • Kurt Baker (PSU)
  • Jeff Minelli (PSU)
  • Justin Coyne (DCE)
  • Matt Zumwalt (DCE)


  1. Call for agenda items
  2. New sufia release?
    1. commits to support (but not require) Rails 4 
    2. Sufia 3.0.0, with Rails 4 support, will be released soon
  3. Releases of hydra-batch-edit, hydra-head
    1. Justin: 6.3.2 for hydra-head.  Ok to release?  Yes. 
    2. Justin: 1.0.2 for hydra-batch-edit. Ok to release? Yes.
  4. DCE + PSU on ArchiveSphere (access copies, preservation copies use cases.  Gemify? People say yes to gemify it.  GIS data at Stanford might see this as being useful)
    1. Mike G: Two derivatives for each file.  New gem, would people use this? 
    2. Jeremy: Yes, if it's configurable.  Access copy with these params, etc.
    3. Mike G: Is more conversation with community needed? Doesn't seem like it.  Will ask design questions when they come up.
  5. Next call: July 29
    1. Moderator: Justin Coyne
    2. Notetaker: Mike Giarlo