Committers Call 2013-02-04

Committers Call 2013-02-04


  • Moderator:  Mike Klein (Northwestern)
  • Notetaker: Vacant
  • Attendees:
    • Naomi (Stanford)
    • Justin (Curation Experts)
    • Michael Klein (NW)
    • Osmind (Yale)
    • Adam (Rock Hall)
    • Carolin (Penn State)
    • Jeremy (Notre Dame)


  1. Call for Agenda items
  2. ActiveFedora 5.6.0 and Rubydora 1.3.0
    1. Fewer unnecessary calls to fedora leads to improved performance.
    2. Big data in excess of 1GB was causing trouble
    3. Rubydora was doing repetitve/unnecessary calls to content datastreams
  3. Solrizer 3/ AF 6 / HH 6 report
    1. Code/direction from the developer congress was incorporated
    2. Moved OM elements out of Solrizer into OM (simplifying the dependency chain a bit)
  4. What's the status of Nom?
    1. NOM need not be interface compatable with OM
    2. Michael Klein is looking for feedback on how it should behave
      1. Adam recommended RDF interface for read/update is rather clear
      2. Scalar atomic attributes are easy to define via getters/setters
      3. Complex data types are harder to negotiate
      4. Code4Lib breakout for what "What should the interface for a Datastream be", remove the "if nokogiri datastream do x else do y"
        1. This will be over dinner Monday night (Feb 11) then continue 
  5. Code4Lib preconference discussion
    1. RailsBridge in the morning(over 63 participants signed up)
    2. Intro to Hydra in the afternoon (21 signed up)
      1. Adam Wead, Justin Coyne, Mark Bussey
      2. Do we have everything we need from the organizers? Screen, projector?
      3. What do we want to prep? Thumbdrives? Virtual machine image?
      4. Curriculum? 3 hours.
      5. Generate an email on "what to bring and what to install" / if on Windows get a Virtual Box (Carolin will check into getting a Virtual Box for windows users)
        1. Adam will generate email once Carolin gets the Virtual Box image information
    3. Intro to Blacklight in the afternoon (34 signed up)
  6. Next call
    1. Date: February 18th, 2013
    2. Moderator: Justin Coyne
    3. Notetaker: Michael Giarlo Jeremy Friesen
  7. Very Near Term Work