Committers Call 2013-03-04
Committers Call 2013-03-04
- Moderator: Michael Klein (NW)
- Notetaker: Adam Wead (Rock Hall)
- Attendees:
- Justin Coyne (DCE)
- Ben Armintor (Columbia)
- Mike Stroming (Northwestern)
- Jessie Keck (Stanford)
- Naomi Dushay (Stanford)
- Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
- Justin Coyne (DCE)
- Call for Agenda items
- Trouble with controlGroup: 'M' and dsLocation (barmintor)
- Was no an AF problem, but a rubydora issue
- Workaround is to create a datastream with trivial or fake inline content, then change it by providing a dsLocation
- Moving to Travis-CI (jcoyne)
- Move CI to Travis and shutdown Hudson, currently supported by Columbia
- No objections were raised on the call, so Justin will go ahead and do this
- Switching to a jetty zip file instead of a submodule (jcoyne)
- Working for testing/ci right now
- I'd like to make this a generator (copied from BL) for application implementers
- Will make installing much easier
- also include additional lines in .gitignore to ignore solr index files and fedora repo files
- Rails 4 plans
- Currently except for a few minor issues
- Wait until Rails 4 is officially released before releasing it in Hydra Head
Next call
- Date: March 11th, 2013
- Moderator: Adam Wead (Rockhall)
- Notetaker: Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
, multiple selections available,