Committers Call 2013-03-04

Committers Call 2013-03-04


  • Moderator:  Michael Klein (NW) 
  • Notetaker: Adam Wead (Rock Hall)
  • Attendees:
    • Justin Coyne (DCE)
    • Ben Armintor (Columbia)
    • Mike Stroming (Northwestern)
    • Jessie Keck (Stanford)
    • Naomi Dushay (Stanford)
    • Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)


  1. Call for Agenda items
  2. Trouble with controlGroup: 'M' and dsLocation (barmintor)
    1. Was no an AF problem, but a rubydora issue
    2. Workaround is to create a datastream with trivial or fake inline content, then change it by providing a dsLocation
  3. Moving to Travis-CI (jcoyne)
    1. Move CI to Travis and shutdown Hudson, currently supported by Columbia
    2. No objections were raised on the call, so Justin will go ahead and do this
  4. Switching to a jetty zip file instead of a submodule (jcoyne)
    1. Working for testing/ci right now
    2. I'd like to make this a generator (copied from BL) for application implementers
      1. Will make installing much easier
      2. also include additional lines in .gitignore to ignore solr index files and fedora repo files
  5. Rails 4 plans
    1. Currently except for a few minor issues
    2. Wait until Rails 4 is officially released before releasing it in Hydra Head

Next call

    1. Date: March 11th, 2013
    2. Moderator: Adam Wead (Rockhall)
    3. Notetaker: Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)