Committers Call 2013-07-15

Committers Call 2013-07-15


  • Moderator: Justin Coyne (DCE)
  • Notetaker: Adam Wead (RockHall)
  • Jeremy Friesen (ND)
  • Mark Bussey (DCE)
  • Michael Klein (NW)
  • Edgar Garcia (NW)
  • Mike Stroming (NW)


  1. Call for agenda items
  2. MK: Question about development practice
    1. Swedish adopter of Avalon, wants to support and develop integration features, ex. Moodle
    2. how to balance your own roadmap with someone else's desires
    3. JF: NW and UVa in a similar boat, and figuring out how to do that (see 3 below)
    4. JC: Sufia is an example of this viz. Scholarsphere
      1. Pull requests
      2. don't directly submit to master
      3. MB: clearly defined APIs, choosing middle ground between opposing needs
    5. MK: inherent tension between differing desires from devs and project directors who are sticking to the timeline and pre-established goals
  3. Discussion concerning Hydra-head model inteface definitions (Jeremy Friesen)
    1. Sufia interrogates a model for the form fields to use in editing; That method would be one of the methods for the Sufia::Webforms interface.
      1. JF: base model that implements hooks into this particular Sufia interface
      2. topic for devs conference
    2. Rights metadata and access controls have some implications
    3. JC: what is the prescribed model, beyond just AF::Base?
  4. Merge sufia rails4 branch (Justin Coyne)
    1. No cucumber, going with rspec
  5. Announcement of IR Gem (Justin Coyne)
    1. This is very much a work in progress.
    2.  https://github.com/curationexperts/hydra_mediated
    3. like Sufia, but just for depositing files
    4. JF: DCE is doing work on this that is, de facto, approved by the community; Notre Dame is very interested because this articulates what our shared idea of an IR is
    5. JC: dev conference is a good place to get this moving
    6. MB: well-defined APIs; Bess and Mark will articulate what these APIs are and how they're used, and put them before the manager community of Hydra
  6. Next call: July 22
    1. Moderator: Jeremy Friesen
    2. Notetaker: Mike Stroming