Committers Call 2013-07-15
Committers Call 2013-07-15
- Moderator: Justin Coyne (DCE)
- Notetaker: Adam Wead (RockHall)
- Jeremy Friesen (ND)
- Mark Bussey (DCE)
- Michael Klein (NW)
- Edgar Garcia (NW)
- Mike Stroming (NW)
- Call for agenda items
- MK: Question about development practice
- Swedish adopter of Avalon, wants to support and develop integration features, ex. Moodle
- how to balance your own roadmap with someone else's desires
- JF: NW and UVa in a similar boat, and figuring out how to do that (see 3 below)
- JC: Sufia is an example of this viz. Scholarsphere
- Pull requests
- don't directly submit to master
- MB: clearly defined APIs, choosing middle ground between opposing needs
- MK: inherent tension between differing desires from devs and project directors who are sticking to the timeline and pre-established goals
- Discussion concerning Hydra-head model inteface definitions (Jeremy Friesen)
- Sufia interrogates a model for the form fields to use in editing; That method would be one of the methods for the Sufia::Webforms interface.
- JF: base model that implements hooks into this particular Sufia interface
- topic for devs conference
- Rights metadata and access controls have some implications
- JC: what is the prescribed model, beyond just AF::Base?
- Sufia interrogates a model for the form fields to use in editing; That method would be one of the methods for the Sufia::Webforms interface.
- Merge sufia rails4 branch (Justin Coyne)
- No cucumber, going with rspec
- Announcement of IR Gem (Justin Coyne)
- This is very much a work in progress.
- https://github.com/curationexperts/hydra_mediated
- like Sufia, but just for depositing files
- JF: DCE is doing work on this that is, de facto, approved by the community; Notre Dame is very interested because this articulates what our shared idea of an IR is
- JC: dev conference is a good place to get this moving
- MB: well-defined APIs; Bess and Mark will articulate what these APIs are and how they're used, and put them before the manager community of Hydra
- Next call: July 22
- Moderator: Jeremy Friesen
- Notetaker: Mike Stroming
, multiple selections available,