Committers Call 2013-06-17

Committers Call 2013-06-17


  • Moderator:  Justin Coyne (DCE)
  • Notetaker:  Drew Myers (WGBH)
  • Roll:
    • Osman Din - Yale 
    • Jim Coble - Duke
    • Mark Bussey - DCE
    • Justin Coyne - DCE
    • Mike Stroming - Northwestern
    • Adam Wead - Rockhall
    • Jeremy Friesen - Notre Dame
    • Andrew Myers - WGBH

Agenda with Notes

  1. Call for agenda items
  2. Obsolete Repos in https://github.com/projecthydra
    1. Mark Bussey sent out a list of obsolete repos (hydra-tech) that he has found.
    2. Justin Coyne suggests adding https://github.com/mediashelf/om, the orig source of projecthydra/om fork. Causes confusion for discovery services.
    3. Justin suggest an "archived projects" repo on hydra, containing zipped copies of repo. Can then access them github by viewing 'Raw'.
    4. Mark will try github first, if it doesn't work, zip them up and put them on Duraspace wiki. Or if there are other complication, punt to next committer's call.
  3. Status on commits from non-iCLA folks, or kick to next committer's call
    1. Mark Bussey reports that there is now a list of iCLA status for contributors on Duraspace wiki
      Jeremey Friesen suggests adding link to Duraspace wiki list on CONTRIBUTORS.md in hydra-head repo.

      1. If committer is on the list and highlighted green, good to accept.
      2. If committer is not on the list, contact Richard Green or Mark Bussey, and they will follow up with request for committer to submit iCLA.
    2. The auto generation of CONTRIBUTORS.md is still fresh, has not been fully applied to all repos in projecthydra.
      1. There are a couple of issues that should probably be resolved before doing so.
  4. AF 6.3 released. Hydra-head 6.2.1 released.
    1. Hydra-Head 6.2.1 https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/hydra-tech/hydra-head$206.2.1/hydra-tech/2ftH4OGA_WE/v8DrNQKDfaEJ
    2. Active Fedora 6.3 https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/hydra-releases/4JINyYPSq1M
  5. Fix to hydra-access-controls due to OM fuzzyness 6.2.2
    1. Fixes bug where you could unintentionally overwrite access-controls for the wrong user.
    2. https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra-head/commit/ab0071d0442c521a8c0fc547980bee57a17a4c5c
  6. Deprecate hash options to OM::XML::TermValueOperators.update_attributes
    1. Currently accepts hash or an array
    2. Standby for announcement on hydra-tech list
  7. Get rid of OM fuzzy matching? (e.g. contains)
    1. Request for use cases from contributors. Standby for announce on hydra-tech list.
  8. https://github.com/projecthydra/om/pull/21
    1. Fixes https://github.com/projecthydra/om/issues/19
      Stand by for announcement on hydra-tech

  9. Sufia release?
    1. Justin Coyne and Matt Zumwalt (DCE) did a lot of work over the last couple of weeks.
    2. Stand by for release announcement on hydra-tech, hydra-releases
  10. Changes to docs on hydra-head wiki
    1. see/add to discussion on hydra-tech
    2. Standby for "lazy concensus" announcement of changes on hydra-tech.
  11. Next call: June 24, 2013
    1. Moderator: Adam Wead, Rockhall
    2. Notetaker: Mike Stroming, Northwestern