Committers Call 2013-03-18
Committers Call 2013-03-18
- Moderator: Adam Wead (Rockhall)
- Notetaker: Justin Coyne
- Attendees:
- Mike Stroming (NW)
- Jeremy Friesen (ND)
- Justin Coyne (DCE)
- Edgar Garcia (NW)
- Carolyn Cole (Penn St.)
- Adam Wead (Rock Hall)
- Jesse Keck (Stanford)
- Call for Agenda item
- jettywrapper 1.4.1
- Download jetty instead of using a submodule
- Hydra recent changes
- rails generate hydra:jetty -> downloads jetty zip
- Doesn't work on windows. No 'unzip' executable
- Jesse will ask the new GIS developer about alternatives
- ActiveFedora 6.0.0.rc6
- Datastreams are managed by default
- Ben and Eddies have expressed that this is most efficient
- Is this flipping back to what it was? Are there incompatibilities introduced?
- Shouldn't be incompatible, it will just store new datastreams in a different place on disk.
- Justin will add a note to the upgrade guide about including :control_group => 'X' to 'has_metadata' to retain compatibility.
- Datastreams are managed by default
- Rails 3.2.13 should be out today
- Not a security release.
- Topics for LibDevConX?
- Collections for hydra or sufia
- Deposit by proxy for sufia
- Solr tuning – fulltext
- Solr 4.2 on hydra-jetty
- Next Call:
- Date: April 8th
- Moderator: Jesse Keck
- Notetaker: Carolyn Cole
, multiple selections available,