Committers Call 2013-03-18

Committers Call 2013-03-18


  • Moderator:  Adam Wead (Rockhall)
  • Notetaker: Justin Coyne
  • Attendees: 
    • Mike Stroming (NW)
    • Jeremy Friesen (ND)
    • Justin Coyne (DCE)
    • Edgar Garcia (NW)
    • Carolyn Cole (Penn St.)
    • Adam Wead (Rock Hall)
    • Jesse Keck (Stanford)


  1. Call for Agenda item
  2. jettywrapper 1.4.1
    1. Download jetty instead of using a submodule
  3. Hydra recent changes
    1. rails generate hydra:jetty -> downloads jetty zip
    2. Doesn't work on windows. No 'unzip' executable
      1. Jesse will ask the new GIS developer about alternatives
  4. ActiveFedora 6.0.0.rc6
    1. Datastreams are managed by default
      1. Ben and Eddies have expressed that this is most efficient
      2. Is this flipping back to what it was? Are there incompatibilities introduced?
        1. Shouldn't be incompatible, it will just store new datastreams in a different place on disk.
        2. Justin will add a note to the upgrade guide about including :control_group => 'X' to 'has_metadata' to retain compatibility.
  5. Rails 3.2.13 should be out today
    1. Not a security release.
  6. Topics for LibDevConX?
    1. Collections for hydra or sufia
    2. Deposit by proxy for sufia
    3. Solr tuning – fulltext 
    4. Solr 4.2 on hydra-jetty 
  7. Next Call:
    1. Date: April 8th
    2. Moderator: Jesse Keck
    3. Notetaker: Carolyn Cole