Committers Call 2013-10-07
Committers Call 2013-10-07
- Moderator: Jessie Keck (Stanford)
- Notetaker: Michael Klein (Northwestern)
- Mark Bussey (DCE)
- David Chandek-Stark (Duke)
- Jim Coble (Duke)
- Justin Coyne (DCE)
- Edgar Garcia (Northwestern)
- Adam Hallett (Northwestern)
- Glen Horton (U. of Cincinnati)
- Lakeisha Robinson (Yale)
- Thomas Scherz (U. of Cincinnati)
- Mike Stroming (Northwestern)
- James Van Mil (U. of Cincinnati)
- Adam Wead (Rock Hall)
- Roll call
- qa (Questioning Authority) gem is out
- Adam Wead has converted QA from an application to a Rails Engine that can be mounted on any Rails app. Not Hydra-specific.
- Chris Beer has extracted the spec/internal testing framework into a gem called engine-cart.
- active-fedora 6.6.0, hydra-head 6.4.0 and hydra 6.1 are ready to ship.
- Anyone want to do any further testing first?
- Mark mentioned generator problems in 6.1rc2. He will go through the tutorial and make sure at least one deploy works.
- Anders at Royal Library of Denmark is interested in helping; Justin may contact him to see if he's wants to test.
- Action item: Hold off until Wednesday to see if Anders and/or anyone else has further feedback.
- Is 3 months between point releases too speedy?
- Mark says no.
- Silent consensus from most others.
- Adam W. explicitly stated his silent consensus, which seems contradictory.
- Anyone want to do any further testing first?
- Next call: Oct. 14th
- It's Columbus Day, but nobody seems to care.
- Moderator: Adam Wead (Rock Hall)
- Notetaker: Thomas Scherz (U. of Cincinnati)