Committers Call 2013-10-07

Committers Call 2013-10-07


  • Moderator: Jessie Keck (Stanford)
  • Notetaker: Michael Klein (Northwestern)
  • Mark Bussey (DCE)
  • David Chandek-Stark (Duke)
  • Jim Coble (Duke)
  • Justin Coyne (DCE)
  • Edgar Garcia (Northwestern)
  • Adam Hallett (Northwestern)
  • Glen Horton (U. of Cincinnati)
  • Lakeisha Robinson (Yale)
  • Thomas Scherz (U. of Cincinnati)
  • Mike Stroming (Northwestern)
  • James Van Mil (U. of Cincinnati)
  • Adam Wead (Rock Hall)


  1. Roll call
  2. qa (Questioning Authority) gem is out
    1. Adam Wead has converted QA from an application to a Rails Engine that can be mounted on any Rails app. Not Hydra-specific.
    2. Chris Beer has extracted the spec/internal testing framework into a gem called engine-cart.
  3. active-fedora 6.6.0, hydra-head 6.4.0 and hydra 6.1 are ready to ship.
    1. Anyone want to do any further testing first?
      1. Mark mentioned generator problems in 6.1rc2. He will go through the tutorial and make sure at least one deploy works.
      2. Anders at Royal Library of Denmark is interested in helping; Justin may contact him to see if he's wants to test.
      3. Action item: Hold off until Wednesday to see if Anders and/or anyone else has further feedback.
    2. Is 3 months between point releases too speedy?
      1. Mark says no.
      2. Silent consensus from most others.
      3. Adam W. explicitly stated his silent consensus, which seems contradictory.
  4. Next call: Oct. 14th
    1. It's Columbus Day, but nobody seems to care.
    2. Moderator: Adam Wead (Rock Hall)
    3. Notetaker: Thomas Scherz (U. of Cincinnati)