Committers Call 2013-01-07
Committers Call 2013-01-07
- Moderator: Naomi Dushay (Stanford)
- Notetaker: Dan Coughlin (Penn State)
- JIRA Wrangler: Justin Coyne (MediaShelf)
- Attendees:
- Carolyn Cole (Penn State)
- Jeremy Friesen (ND)
- Don Brower (ND)
- Chris Colvar (Indiana)
- Edgar Garcia (Northwestern)
- Mike Stroming (Northwestern)
- Michael Klein (Northwestern)
- Justin Coyne (Data Curation Experts)
- Naomi Dushay (Stanford)
- Jesse Keck (Stanford)
- Call for Agenda items
- Next call
- Date: January 14, 2013
- Moderator: Adam Wead (RRHOF)
- Notetaker: Mike Giarlo (Penn State)
- JIRA Wrangler:
- Update your rails (3.2.10, 3.1.9, 3.0.18)
- Should we strip out extra war files from hydra-jetty?
- fop.war
- saxon.war
- fedora-demo.war
- imagemanip.war
-Justin will make a ticket to strip these out and put it on the hot plate, to speed up hydra-jetty.
-Michael Klein will strip old commits (specifically old binaries) to make the footprint smaller. Prune all the war files that are not current version war.
- Movement on switch to github issue tracker?
- Check in on this
On hydra-tech mailing list, lots of 'Y' and little 'N' - we will move forward with this. Justin will move this ticket over
- Check in on this
- When should ActiveFedora 5.4 be released (Changes in master)
- Better looking inspect
- Can pass datastream names as first argument to has_metadata and has_file_datastream
- Added finder methods like in ActiveRecord (e.g. GenericFile.where('type_t' => 'foo').order('created_dt asc').limit(7).first())
- Fix for RDF datastream proxy delegate (is_a?)
Chris Beer is not here, Justin will talk to him this week about releasing.
- When should we branch for AF && HH6?
- Need to remove deprecated code
- Support for rails 4?
- New solr schema
- Any big ideas?
Table discussion for a bit as no one is moving to make big changes here. Perhaps wait until we get HH5 a little more stablized.
- Movement on Solrizer/Solrizer-Fedora merge into AF
- Look over and test out cjcolvar's branch: https://github.com/cjcolvar/active_fedora/tree/solrizer-merge
Chris will continue to make smaller branches out of specific features and Justin AND Naomi will look at for further discussion
- Look over and test out cjcolvar's branch: https://github.com/cjcolvar/active_fedora/tree/solrizer-merge
- Very Near Term Work
- Jesse will do another HH 5.2 release that Sufia will be able to use.
- Jesse will do another HH 5.2 release that Sufia will be able to use.
- Jira Weekly Round up from sprint for January 7
- Hot Plate
- Jira Weekly Round up from sprint for January 7
, multiple selections available,