Committers Call 2013-01-28

Committers Call 2013-01-28


  • Moderator: Adam Wead (RRHOF)
  • Notetaker: Carolyn Cole (Penn State)
  • JIRA Wrangler: 
  • Attendees: 
    • Simon Lamb (Hull)
    • Carolyn Cole (Penn State)
    • Adam Wead (RRHOF)
    • Justin Coyne (Data Curation Experts)
    • Mike Stroming  (Northwestern)
    • Edgar Garcia  (Northwestern)
    • Mike Klien (Northwestern)
    • Chris Colvard (Indiana)
    • Niaomi (Stanford)


  1. Call for Agenda items
  2. Next call
    1. Date: February 4th, 2013
    2. Moderator: Mike Klien
    3. Notetaker: Mike Giarlo

  3. patch devise
    1. upgrade all applications to use devise 2.2.3
    2. http://blog.plataformatec.com.br/2013/01/security-announcement-devise-v2-2-3-v2-1-3-v2-0-5-and-v1-5-3-released/
  4. Active Fedora 6
    1. New suffixes for solr
    2. Solrizer 3.0.0 release
      1. Any effort working with OM?  Should not need to change OM, searchable are macros which translate for you. 
    3. new version AF version 6.0.0.pre 
    4. checkout hydra-jetty new solr schema
    5. Need people to test and see if it works be fore release next month (especially Niaomi and Adam)
    6. (Adam)Any interest from blacklight in making them line up?  (Niaomi & Justin) Answer seems to be no
  5. Active Fedora 5.5.2
    1. Patch for have_many relationship patch that use the same predicate (ex is_part_of) would give you all with the same predicate (issue #24) 
    2. one object with 2 has_many
  6. Large Files
    1. Simon (service in UK did harvest of ETDs, some of them had larger files which were killing the rails process)
    2. Fedora could handle the request for large data, but hydra started to slow down.
    3. Send data loading into ruby memory vs send file directly to the browser 
    4. Thought on making things more efficient from fedora through hydra with authorization.
    5. Did send file work?  Only for files on the same file system. chache in local directory and the send the data from the local store
    6. Store all the video on a shared drive.  Want to keep fedora accessible through web service only
    7. Hook into mod proxy and get apache to proxy the fedora call between the hydra url
    8. Send data bogs down how can we make it more efficient?
    9. The big problem with send data is you are blocking a thread until the entire download is complete.
    10. Send file does not work unless it is on your local machine. download from fedora and copy it to your local
    11. Modx send file as part of a  module for apache
    12. Adam downloads data files outside of the ruby app.  Create some kind of proxy with authentication credentials to proxy the data.
    13. Rails 4 has a way to send an io object, would not need to wait until you download it all. live stream active support
      1. http://blog.phusion.nl/2012/08/03/why-rails-4-live-streaming-is-a-big-deal/
    14. Would rack be helpful?  Or just send a redirect that would handel via an apache model that would validate the token and get the apache handler to check the token.  Write an apache plugin. http://blog.elzapp.com/docs/apache-proxy
  7. Very Near Term Work