Committers Call 2013-08-12
Committers Call 2013-08-12
- Moderator: Michael Klein (Northwestern)
- Notetaker: Mike Giarlo (Penn State)
- Chris Colvard (Indiana)
- Justin Coyne (Data Curation Experts)
- Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
- Lakeisha Robinson (Yale)
- Adam Hallett (Northwestern)
- Edgar Garcia (Northwestern)
- Mike Stroming (Northwestern)
- Ben Armintor (Columbia)
- Roll call
- Call for agenda items
- Next call: August 19th, 2013
- Moderator: Michael Klein (Northwestern)
- Notetaker: Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
- Moderator: Michael Klein (Northwestern)
- Change tracking for delegated attributes (cjcolvar) - https://github.com/cjcolvar/active_fedora/commit/dc4bdaf9934572b532a090cd47c8aac8abf21f5f
- Example of doing this now in an AF::Base subclass - https://gist.github.com/cjcolvar/6210840
- Would allow checking dirty/changed on individual properties (in addition to datastreams)
- Klein: would like to see both the obj and ds track the change, rather than just the obj or just the ds
- Coyne: sounds very hard to implement at the datastream level given lack of properties for some entities in OM (uses #method_missing instead)
- Armintor: is the object the right place for this concern? feels like it should be the datastream (but see Coyne's point above)
- cjcolvar will issue a Pull Request to ActiveFedora
, multiple selections available,