Committers Call 2013-04-29

Committers Call 2013-04-29


  • Moderator:  Adam Wead
  • Notetaker:  Mark Bussey
  • Attendees: 
    • Adam Wead (Rock Hall)
    • Mark Bussey (DCE) 
    • Justin Coyne (DCE)
    • Carolyn Cole (Penn State)
    • David Chandeck-Stark (Duke), 
    • Jim Coble (Duke)
    • Mike Stroming (Northwestern)
    • Michael Klein (Northwestern) 
    • Edgar Garcia (Northwestern)
    • Adam Hallet (Northwestern)
    • Naomi Dushay (Stanford) 


  1. Call for Agenda items
  2. OM 2.1.0 was released
    Release by Justin Coyne 4/29 as pre-requisite to Active Fedora - now supports element names with periods and time elements.  Supports new AF/Solarizer 3.0 suffixes
  3. Justin would like to release Rubydora 1.6.2.  Waiting for someone to review/merge his pull requests.
    David C-S has reviewed and merged.  Justin Coyne to release.
  4. Releasing AF and HH 6.1? (David C-S)
    Guidance on version number - adds new functionality but does not break existing functionality, so update minor version number but no change to major version number. Dependencies on Rubydora.  Depended on by OM and HydraHead. 
  5. Is there a need for a new Sufia release
    Significant new work contributed last week by Penn State and DCE. Decision made during call to release this week. 
  6. Hydra collections work - Penn State sprint
    Penn State is working on a new user created collections gem.  Not ready for public release yet, but wanted folks to know it's there.  May serve as a base class for administrative collections.  No ordering of items in a collection at this time.  (UCSD has some sample code for persisting ordering of collections)
  7. Next call:
    1. Date: May 6, 2013
    2. Moderator: Carolyn Cole
    3. Notetaker: David C-S