Committers Call 2013-08-05

Committers Call 2013-08-05


  • Moderator: Justin Coyne (DCE)
  • Notetaker: Chris Beer (Stanford)
  • Lakeisha Robinson (Yale)
  • Mike Giarlo (PSU)
  • Dan Brubaker-Horst (ND)
  • Ben Armintor (Columbia)
  • Jim Coble (Duke)


  1. Roll call
  2. Call for agenda items
    1. Announcing work on hydra-ezid gem (mjgiarlo)
      1. Tom Johnson (OSU) and Rick Johnson (ND) have existing code. See this email thread for more information.
  3. Discuss AF Content model PR (Steven Anderson)
    1. https://github.com/projecthydra/active_fedora/pull/169 
      1. see notes on the pull request
  4. Need an AF release now? 13 unreleased patches so far.
    1. Should it be 6.4.5. or 6.5.0?
      1. 6.4.5 it is.
  5. Hydra-deprecated projects repository
    1. ship it, Drew.
  6. Blacklight call for features
    1. add your features to the issue tracker and we'll triage them later
    2. cbeer will send the note to hydra-tech (DONE)
  7. Next call: Aug 12
    1. Moderator: Michael Klein (NU) 
    2. Notetaker: Mike Giarlo (PSU)