Committers Call 2012-06-18

Committers Call 2012-06-18


  • Moderator: Michael Klein (Stanford)
  • Notetaker: Mike Stroming (Northwestern)
  • Simon Lamb (Hull)
  • Molly Pickral (UVA)
  • Rajesh (Notre Dame)
  • Justin Coyne (MediaShelf)
  • Mike Giarlo (Penn State)
  • Adam Wead (Rock Hall)
  • Jessie Keck (Stanford)
  • Matt Zumwalt (MediaShelf)
  • Dan Coughlin (Penn State)
  • Chris Colvard (Indiana University)
  • Chris Beer (Stanford)
  • Ben Armintor (Columbia)


  1. Call for Agenda items
    1. Batch update gem
    2. Hydra-head release
    3. fyi, Fedora 3.6 is due for release end of the month. Need volunteers to help w/ testing against hydra stack (i.e. jetty), updating hydra-jetty (contact Eddie)
  2. Next call (moderator, notetaker)
    1. June 25th
    2. Moderator: Jessie
    3. Notetaking: Justin
  3. Batch update gem
    1. MediaShelf working with NU for batch update. Would like to hear from community.  Committed to hydra github. Chris Beer will help with testing for this.
    2. Justin - Had issues with mountable gem, issues with routes.
    3. Jessie has had similar experience.
  4. Fedora 3.6
    1. Mike Giarlo will talk to Jeff at Penn State about helping with testing
    2. Ben: In Fedora 3.6, can fetch ds profiles in one call with REST API addition
  5. Deprecations review
    1. Chris B: Can people go through the deprecations and verify?
    2. Chris B: Can someone help look at helpers?
    3. Jessie will talk to Chris B and work on this together
  6. OM Office Hours?
    1. Chris and Monty have questions about OM.
    2. Wednesday at 2:00 central time
  7. very near term work
    1. Hydra-head 4.1 release
    2. Justin:  When should we release?
    3. Chris B: Soon
    4. Justin: Will target next week
  8. Jira
    1. Unassigned Version tickets no more – let's assign versions to 5 of them this call:
      1. https://jira.duraspace.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jqlQuery=project+%3D+HYDRA+AND+resolution+%3D+Unresolved+AND+fixVersion+is+EMPTY+ORDER+BY+updated+DESC%2C+priority+DESC
    2. Jira Weekly Round up from Sprint for June 18 (today):
      1. https://jira.duraspace.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jqlQuery=fixVersion+%3D+%22sprint+for+June+18+2012%22+AND+project+%3D+HYDRA

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