Hyrax Interest Group Call 2024-09-11

Time: 11:30am-12:00pm Eastern

Connection Info: https://unc.zoom.us/j/93666105978?pwd=YTEzNTJ6U0E0RGJmdHljTU41VDNSUT09

Community Notes

Notetaker: @Heather Greer Klein


  • @Rebekah Kati (UNC-Chapel Hill)

  • @Heather Greer Klein (Samvera)

  • @Steven Ng (Temple University)

  • @Nicholas Mark Homenda (Tufts University)

  • @Chris Colvard (IU)

  • @Juliet Hardesty (IU)

  • @Daniel Pierce



  • Hyrax Maintenance Working Group update - Rebekah Kati and Daniel Pierce

    • Hyrax-Fedora 6 update

      • Github actions work

      • Visibility bugs - shout out to Randall Floyd for fixing this in Valkyrie! Feature testing locally while that release is in progress.

      • Performance issues - Valkyrie fix has addressed existing performance issues so the new version should help with these issues.

      • Release will be out as soon as testing is complete. This will help move forward the Frigg and Freya adapters

    • Bootstrap 5 upgrades - putting together a community sprint Sept 30 - October 11th to address Bootstrap and Rails upgrades and related dependancies.

    • Upcoming community sprint for Accessibility work

      • Accessibility: October 28-November 8 - important for the community and recent concerns about

  • Topics and Projects

    • Hyku news - AllinsonFlex is working in Hyku so far, Julie is helping with testing!


Next meeting: October 9 at 11:30am Eastern

