Hyrax Interest Group Call 2020-12-08
Hyrax Interest Group Call 2020-12-08
Time: 4-5pm Eastern
Connection Info:
enter pass: 175760
Notetaker: Heather Greer Klein
- Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
- Maria Whitaker (Indiana University)
- Ilkay Holt (BL-Advancing Hyku)
- Rachel Howard (University of Louisville)
- Chris Colvard (Ubiquity Press)
- Rebekah Kati (UNC-Chapel Hill)
- Heather Greer Klein (Samvera)
- Jane Sandberg (Linn-Benton Community College)
- Erik Radio (University of Colorado Boulder)
- Crystal Richardson (Notch8)
- Rob Kaufman (Notch8)
- Hyrax Maintenance Working Group update - Julie Hardesty and tamsin johnson
- Community Ask for January-June 2021
- Topics and Projects
- Developers Congress report
- Hyku news
- Mapping Hyrax issues to user stories
- Hyrax Interest Group meeting times starting January 2021
- Julie suggesting: 2nd Tuesday of month, 11am Eastern (8am Pacific/4pm GMT/5pm CET)
- Google Shared Drive
- Questions?
- Next Meeting: Tentatively
Tuesday, January 12, 11am EasternMonday, January 11, 11:30am Eastern
- Hyrax Maintenance Working Group update - Julie Hardesty and tamsin johnson
- Will have information soon about if Hyrax 3.0 is ready for release
- Community Ask for January-June 2021
- Asking for two developers and one GitHub tester, 2 weeks on and off sprints, January - June. First sprint end of January
- Really need these volunteers. Have one developer but not for full .5 FTE. Still need 1-2 developers.
- Aiming to prioritize and work on high priority outstanding issues. Some evaluation needs to happen for outstanding issues. Will help us get a handle on where we really are with issues. Will also review where things are with priorities like accessibility.
- Starting in June we hope to be able to start looking at code reclamation, and this group can welcome in new users of Hyrax and looking at features that can move to Community code.
- Topics and Projects
- Developers Congress report
- Project to re-write the Hyrax README to revamp and clean up installation instructions. Docker install verified and documented, and a set of instructions for running on a virtual machine.
- Some work around Valkyrie and Wings performance issues. Big advancements made in the dev congress.
- Work on Rails 6 support. Still needs work for Hyra editor.
- Work on Avalon IIF media player, ran a Community sprint as well. Basics are there, and a demo recording will be made and shared soon.
- Worked so well, plans for a spring dev congress
- Hyku news
- PALs team doing groups and permissions work that could be moved to Hyrax. Julie and Rob planning to meet in Jan and discuss what Hyku features might be good to become part of Hyrax. This group could take a look at the short list for that.
- Mapping Hyrax issues to user stories
- Ilkay brought this idea from Hyku, mapping user stories to issues and using this to prioritize and have a sense of when a feature is functioning as a user is expecting.
- User stories on a GitHub board could be used to link to features and issue work. Possibly this could allow for viewing across Hyrax and Hyku together.
- Hyrax Maintenance Working Group could try this for a sprint. Might help with prioritizing the work to map it to user stories. Example from COAR that is for one project: https://github.com/coar-repositories/registry/projects/1
- Will be trying this with Hyku as well. Julie and Ilkay with check in about this in January.
- Hyrax Interest Group meeting times starting January 2021
- Julie suggesting: 2nd Tuesday of month, 11am Eastern (8am Pacific/4pm GMT/5pm CET) --- this day conflicts with an existing Hyku meeting. Selected second Monday of the month at 11:30am Eastern.
- Google Shared Drive -- the Interest Group now has a shared drive, will move documents like community notes there, demo information would go there as well.
- Developers Congress report
- Questions?
- Will we use this meeting to help with issues on the board? -- it is possible this group could help with prioritizing work depending on what happens with the Maintenance Group sprint.
- Also want to invite demos and consider incorporating features
- Need to review the past proposal and structure for the Group; will do this on the next call. Document is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r81LVMaPnyKtP0Byxe0k_dxoGQNPbcAMgPRiWZTXE08/edit#heading=h.xtw5mfm02t0o
- Bulkrax: expected to quickly accommodate Hyrax 3.0 after release
- Next Meeting: Monday, January 11th, 11:30am Eastern
, multiple selections available,
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