Hyrax Interest Group Call 2021-02-08

Hyrax Interest Group Call 2021-02-08

Time: 11:30am-12:30pm Eastern

Connection Info: https://iu.zoom.us/j/94019873775?pwd=cmlSb2tCNmQzbmlhUXgvNHVIVkxLUT09
enter pass: 175760

Notetaker: Jeremy Friesen and Heather Greer Klein

Community Notes


  • @Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)

  • Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)

  • Collin Brittle (Emory)

  • Heather Greer Klein (Samvera)

  • Randy Kuehn (University of Louisville)

  • Rob Kaufman (Notch8)

  • Ilkay Holt (Advancing Hyku/ BL)

  • Moira Downey (Duke University)

  • Chris Colvard (Ubiquity Press)

  • Maria Whitaker (Indiana University)


  • Hyrax Maintenance Working Group update - tamsin johnson and Julie Hardesty

  • Hyrax 3.0 release update (Hyrax Roadmap) - Julie Hardesty

  • Topics and Projects

    • Hyrax policies

      • Browser support - Proposal: Support the latest browser versions for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.

        • Abandoned browsers like IE are no longer supported

        • Accessibility considerations

        • Current Hyrax QA Testing coverage (Chrome, Safari, and Firefox on following OS: Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS)

      • Cloud storage service support (Box, Dropbox, etc) - is this Hyrax or Core Component (BrowseEverything)?

      • Where should policies like these live?

    • Hyku news

  • Questions?

  • Next meeting: Monday, March 8, 11:30am Eastern


  • Hyrax Maintenance Working Group update - tamsin johnson and Julie Hardesty

    • Procedural observation - Rebekah did a great job at testing that things are still issues or not; that initial analysis helped us organize and focus to be able to pick things up and do the work

    • The Hyrax Maintenance WG completed its first sprint. There are ~400 issues, we closed out 14 issues in this sprint. We no longer have any issues labeled as blockers. We are working through those labeled as bugs. We had two developers, one triage person, one QA person.

    • The opening process worked well:

      1. Here’s what we’re working on

      2. A non-developer verified that this is or isn’t still broken

      3. And a developer can pick it up knowing that this is a problem

    • One observation is that the developer work was easier to approach and then resolve. In particular with the documentation for Containers and testing using those containers.

  • Hyrax 3.0 release update (Hyrax Roadmap) - Julie Hardesty

    • Right now Nurax is pinned to 3.0.0.pre.rc3. We’re not pushing updates current work to Nurax.

    • The Roadmap is @Juliet Hardesty 's suggestion, she needs to vet this with @tamsin johnson .

    • Julie’s been working through what needs testing for rc2 to rc3. @Juliet Hardesty will be drafting a community ask for testing. @Heather Greer Klein will make sure it makes it through all the channels.

    • In the ask, we need a testing coordinator with a deeper knowledge of Hyrax. Ideally this would be someone from the repository managers group. (@Juliet Hardesty and @Moira Downey (Deactivated) will connect to coordinate). We have an aspirational end

    • REMINDER: Hyku 3.0 is not on Hyrax 3.0. Hyku 3.0 brought changes to the user model, requiring a migration. Also, there’s a 3.0.1 release that patches a minor security vulnerability.

    • The Valkyrie dates in the documentation are not up to date. The roadmap is a work in progress, and not current.

  • Topics and Projects

    • Hyrax policies

      • Browser support - Proposal: Support the latest browser versions for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.

        • Abandoned browsers like IE are no longer supported

        • Accessibility considerations

        • Current Hyrax QA Testing coverage (Chrome, Safari, and Firefox on following OS: Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS)

        • When we publish a release, we should declare what versions we used for testing. We can adopt a policy around the browsers we support. Samvera will not be supporting IE 11.

      • Cloud storage service support (Box, Dropbox, etc) - is this Hyrax or Core Component (BrowseEverything)?

        • Should ask about this, ask questions to learn how to set the policy

        • Should this be a Working Group about policy setting in general? Could happen if this group chooses to do so

        • Similar, we have challenges with cloud storage service report. Keeping these working is an effort of will. We may want to explore writing specs that consider the API’s of these services as untrustworthy (e.g. subject to arbitrary change). This is conversation Hyrax’s WG/IG should have with @James Griffin.

        • The very specific problem around Browse Everything is on Notch8’s radar (because of a current project structure to contribute back to the community); One of the goals of this project is to improve the documentation for wiring up Browse Everything. There’s a distinct challenge in the volatility of our API.

      • Where should policies like these live?

        • In the README so it lives with the code

        • We need a place to articulate what browsers we support. A recommended place is in the Requirements in the README; it lives closer to the code.

      • Note that consider running against a specific version and publishing that so that it is clear what version testing was done with

      • QA testing and automated testing to consider -- publishing what was used as part of release notes

      • Browser Stack for Hyrax testing? Some institutions can use for QA testing for browsers like Edge

      • We’re going to move this into an interest group discussion, and we’ll review if this should move into a working group.

    • Hyku news

      • Release of Hyku 3.0 happened and going smoothly so far. Talk of taking that release and updating Hyrax inside Hyku and seeing what comes up. Hyku 3.0 does not include Hyrax 3. 

      • Rob is working on getting to the point to be able to test. Hopes for an update by early next week about how much work this will require. Can help inform the release plan for Hyrax 3.0

  • Questions?

  • Next meeting: Monday, March 8, 11:30am Eastern





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