Hyrax Interest Group Call 2022-11-09
Time: 11:30am-12:00pm Eastern
Connection Info: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
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Notetaker: Julie Hardesty
Rebekah Kati (UNC-Chapel Hill)
Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
Daniel Pierce (Indiana University)
Rob Kaufman (Softserv)
Chris Colvard (Indiana University)
Heather Greer Klein (Samvera)
Jon Cameron (Indiana University)
Hyrax Maintenance Working Group update - Rebekah Kati and Daniel Pierce
Hyrax 4.0.0.beta2 update
Topics and Projects
Hyrax-Valkyrization, next dev congress
Hyku news
Next meeting: Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 11:30am Eastern
Hyrax Maintenance Working Group update - Rebekah Kati and Daniel Pierce
Hyrax 4.0.0.beta2 update
UI problems and system error messages remain but getting smaller in number
Deprecation clean-up kind of tricky but working through them
Hyrax build on circleci not working right now (probably Blacklight update)
RC maybe by end of this week! Need code review help!
Maintenance Pledge Drive happening now - pledge today!
Topics and Projects
Hyrax-Valkyrization, next dev congress
January 23-27 - propose topic and sign up to participate
Hyku news
Midcycle right now, migrating from Gitlab to Github to make repos more publicly available
Groups work (permissions for PALNI/PALCI) has one failing spec to migrate back to Hyku proper; maybe this goes back into Hyrax? (need to talk with Hyrax folks)
Hyrax 3.x caused this to get worked on a second time so think this might be good to push back to Hyrax to prevent maintenance like this
Core components meeting - how did that go and how will that impact Hyrax?
Stale gems and projects discussed and would be good to sort out
Need more participants to do this work
If Hyrax is only thing using a gem and it is merged back into Hyrax, the HMWG ends being in charge of managing it so more work on that group
There are also gems that HMWG is concerned with for Hyrax but aren’t owning it
Getting more resources between HMWG and Core Components would help
Not sure how much of core components really is “dead” - considering moving off of AF then some of these will be deprecated or not used anymore
Hydra-works, -derivatives, those will still be used by folks not on valkyrized hyrax for a while; what is threshold to declare something not maintained? Something that hasn’t had a commit for while still might be maintained but there’s just nothing to change about it
Ruby version updates should be a commit every so often (like 6 months or so) so there should be something that applies those bumps and should be getting those via James or Dev Congresses
No CCWG so it is just James and bottle-necked on LDP/AF
Ruby 3 upgrade is particularly difficult right now for these gems
Core components need to be considered for how they are being used, not how often they are seeing changes/commits/active work
Don’t want to pull rug out from folks but do need to signal that maintenance help is needed
PO role was meant to help with keeping maintenance going but seems to be more like point person to ask, at the most
Hyrax Maintenance Working Group - might need separate call for participation from Pledge Drive
Core Components WG - James might be putting together a call for participation as well
Next meeting: Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 11:30am Eastern