Hyrax Interest Group Call 2021-03-08
Time: 11:30am-12:30pm Eastern
Connection Info: https://iu.zoom.us/j/94019873775?pwd=cmlSb2tCNmQzbmlhUXgvNHVIVkxLUT09
enter pass: 175760
Notetaker: Heather Greer Klein
Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
Chris Colvard(Ubiquity Press)
Moira Downey (Duke University Libraries)
Jon Cameron (Indiana University)
Heather Greer Klein (Samvera)
Hyrax Maintenance Working Group update - tamsin johnson and Julie Hardesty
Hyrax 3.0 release update - Julie Hardesty
Topics and Projects
Feedback Request: Proposal: Remove Blacklight Gallery · Issue #4763 · samvera/hyrax
Google Scholar meta tags for citation sharing
Hyku news
Next meeting: Monday, April 12, 11:30AM Eastern
Hyrax Maintenance Working Group update - tamsin johnson and Julie Hardesty
Full team for the sprint, 9 issues closed. Did some testing on Hyrax 3.0 which opened new issues. Same level of issues but issues are being closed. Working on planning for the next sprint in two weeks.
Hyrax 3.0 release update - Julie Hardesty
Put out an rc4 soon. Don’t think full manual QC testing needed.
Updating release changes and any updates for rc3 to rc4. Need to make sure the release notes are updated. Good signs that 3.0 is really close to being ready.
Topics and Projects
Feedback Request: Proposal: Remove Blacklight Gallery · Issue #4763 · samvera/hyrax
Issue regarding accessibility problems with the slideshow viewer. Behind on versions with that gem. Any experience or feedback?
Is it possible to put behind a flipper? To turn it off. Then can keep the needed parts of the gallery.
Ultimately need to do a Blacklight 7 upgrade. Bootstrap upgrade needed in order to do the Blacklight upgrade. Relatively straightforward and a good junior dev project to do the Bootstrap updates and will benefit from that work. Notch8 can help with the Bootstrap portion.
Could be a dev congress project -- will add to the list
Google Scholar meta tags for citation sharing
Google Scholar scraping is being disrupted by the known author order issue. Author order is critical for scholarly communication.
Some institutions have found ways to address this, and Wings would give additional options for addressing this.
Tamsin realized there are Scholar-specific meta tags that are not being sorted. We could at least make it consistent.
Metadata field ordering issue is coming up again. Not an issue for all instances but if we add a sort we can address this. Could also be dependent on a type of resource.
In the meta block
Documentation for meta tags is not well-defined Google Scholar Help
Has someone already done research on this? Can look at the meta tags in nurax. Tamsin was already making a PR to do this. Nurax example: https://nurax-dev.curationexperts.com/concern/images/h415p973d?locale=en
Info on Scholar Page: Google Scholar Help
Going to send this discussion to the Metadata Interest Group to see what that group would like to see
Want to get an issue written up -- at the very least referencing other information to explore
Hyku news
Rob was able to get the specs passing for Hyrax 3.0. Next step is pushing to a staging server for testing.
A lot of activity form projects coming back a little at a time. A lot of ongoing feature work.
Chris has been working on Questioning Authority yaml files defined for worktype. Is this use case coming up or of interest in Hyrax?
Another dev congress idea around this
Next meeting: Monday, April 12, 11:30AM Eastern