Committers Call 2013-06-24
Committers Call 2013-06-24
- Moderator: Adam Wead (Rockhall)
- Notetaker: Mike Stroming (Northwestern)
- Edgar Garcia (NU)
- Jeremy Friesen (ND)
- Osman Din (Yale)
- Kurt Baker (PSU)
- Jim Coble (Duke)
- David Chandek-Stark (Duke)
- Adam Hallett (NU)
- Mark Bussey (DCE)
- Justin Coyne (DCE)
- Call for agenda items
- ActiveFedora::DatastreamCollections
- This seems to still be listed as "experimental" but works just fine. Should we make it official or deprecate?
Justin: Anyone else using this?
Justin is ok with not listing as "experimental".
Adam will do this work.
Justin sent email to list last week about the new features. If no objections, launch will be next week.
Lazy consensus on call- When you assign a set, it completely replaces the old set.
- Using text() = instead of contains()
- Abandoned effort to get rid of hash attributes
- This seems to still be listed as "experimental" but works just fine. Should we make it official or deprecate?
- ActiveFedora 6.4 is ready to launch
- OM 3
Nested rdf nodes accept nested attributes (and can delete them)
Model generator (Jeremy: generates a model and tests) - Delegate all array methods in RdfNode::TermProxy
- OM 3
- Next call: July 1
- Moderator: Mark Bussey
- Notetaker: Jim Coble
- Moderator: Mark Bussey
, multiple selections available,