Committers Call 2013-04-08
Committers Call 2013-04-08
- Moderator: Jessie Keck
- Notetaker: Carolyn Cole
- Attendees: Drew GBH
- Mike Giarlo (PSU)
- Carolyn Cole (PSU)
- Jim Coble (Duke)
- David Chandek Stark (Duke)
- Adam Wead (Rock Hall)
- Dan Brubaker Horst (Notre Dame)
- Mike Stroming (NW)
- Edgar Garcia (NW)
- Justin Coyne (DCE)
- Jesse Keck (Stanford)
- Naomi Dushay (Stanford)
- Call for Agenda items
- Next call:
- Date: 4/15/2013
- Moderator: Adam Wead (Rock Hall)
- Notetaker: Justin Coyne (DCE)
- Sufia
- next release?
- Proposed at the hydra partner meeting
- transfer sufia to projecthydra
- next release?
- Rubydora
- adding a copy method
- Justin asked, Has anyone already done this work? Justin will go ahead and do this/
- transferring rubydora to projecthydra
- has this been done? Was it discussed at the last day
- Chris has signed an ICLA
- Can now be done since ICLA is signed
- Jessie will tap cbeer today
- adding a copy method
- The Hydra Gem
- lib/hydra.rb is defined in hydra-core. Do we need to change that?
- This is what is causing the undefined constant Hydra::User when using the hydra gem.
- Was not part of this , with Mat's bug
- Can not run app with the ruby gem
- file is not included when you run
- Jeremy may want to look into this.
- is the hydra gem complicating this? This is complicating this since it does not work, but will make things better when it does
- Note on the readme "this is a work in progress"
- Question for Jeremey: what doe sthe hydra gem get us vs tags on hydra head?
- Lock the dependencies tightly in hydra core may be an option to use tags
- lib/hydra.rb is defined in hydra-core. Do we need to change that?
- ActiveFedora
- Working on loading from solr first and falling back to hit AF.
- an idea that Jeremy had, Justin had worked on this and got a good way and there is still alot of work left.
- Justin has work around, but he does not have the time to work on it.
- Working on loading from solr first and falling back to hit AF.
- Trying to get it going on Jruby. Can't get nokogiri tests to run.
- Mike Klien
- Stromming, will talk to Mike Klein to let him know Justin wants to spea about this
- Trying to get it going on Jruby. Can't get nokogiri tests to run.
- docs from duraspace wiki => github
- what goes into hydra vs. hydra-head?
- Drew, want to consolidate the documentation
- Taking an inventory of everything on the duraspace wiki
- github is the one place for developer docs on hydra.
- Hydra Gem is a good place to tag the existing documentation to pin it to the source code
- how to version hydra-head docs with 'hydra' gem?
- Are there strategies for copying the docs and relating it to a release of the hydra gem
- do not want to move it to temp location and have it be a one time move
- git hub wiki are repos bu you do not get all the functionality
- can you tag the wiki when the code gets tagged.
- wiki looks like a really basic repo
- Copy doc from hydra head wiki to hydra gem wiki, or reference a tag in the hydra head repo from the hydra gem.
- Drew, check with Jeremy on a good workflow.
- what goes into hydra vs. hydra-head?
- Hydra-Jetty
- pull request
- https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra-jetty/pull/9
- Naiomi will take a look at the pull request.
, multiple selections available,