Committers Call 2013-09-30

Committers Call 2013-09-30


  • Moderator: Adam Wead (Rockhall)
  • Notetaker: Jeremy Friesen (ND)
    • Drew Meyers [afred] (WGBH)
    • Ben Armintor (Columbia)
    • Lakeisha Robinson (Yale)
    • Carolyn Cole (Penn State)
    • Greg Jansen (UNC)
    • Jim Coble (Duke)
    • David Chandeck-Stark (Duke)
    • Adam Wead (Rockhall)
    • Jeremy Friesen (ND)
    • Don Brower (ND)
    • Adam Hallet (Northwestern)
    • Mike Stromming (Northwestern)
    • Edgar Garcia (Northwestern)
    • Michael Klein (Northwestern)
    • Justin Coyne (Data Curation Experts)
    • Andrew Woods (Duraspace)
    • Cris Beer (Stanford)
    • Jessie Keck (Stanford)


  1. Roll call
  2. Call for agenda items
  3. ActiveFedora 6.6.0 (Justin)
    1. Waiting on a patch by Caroline
      1. Needs some help test
    2. Introducing deprecation warnings regarding dropping out of 7.0.0
  4. ActiveFedora 7.0.0 (Justin)
    1. Probably issue a release candidate this week (needs same patch)
    2. Will merge 6.6.0 into 7.0.0 when things are ready
    3. Major Changes
      1. delegate, delegate_to will now switch on multiple instead of unique; Default value is going to be multiple: false
      2. Removing silly code
      3. Major refactoring of associations to look a lot more like ActiveRecord 4.0
    4. Hydra 7.0 will be released when ActiveFedora 7.0 exists
  5. HydraHead 6.4
    1. Waiting on a pull request to be merged
    2. Works with Sufia and Curate
    3. Changes to permissions, its returning Permission objects instead of just a hash.
      1. David is looking at expanding the API of permission; Provide a grant syntax (https://github.com/duke-libraries/dul-hydra/wiki/Proposed-Grant-Revoke-Syntax)
    4. Ready for release candidate
  6. Hydra 6.1
    1. Will happen after AF 6.6.0 & HydraHead 6.4.0 are out
    2. Hydra 6.1 will provide all of the deprecation warnings for upgrading to Hydra 7.0
    3. So update from Hydra 6.0 to Hydra 6.1 
  7. Fedora4 AuthN/Z (awoods)
    1. Fedora4 is asking for further information to help inform the design.
    2. Hydra is using Fedora similarly to a database connection; Hydra makes use of its own authentication.
    3. Justin would like Fedora to provide a per request AuthN/Z option.
    4. Greg - Regarding XACML, NodeShapeLayer and Fedora4 provides an plugin point and interface for extending AuthN/Z
    5. A desire was expressed to have a more granular permission structure for objects; Hydra is very coarse grained.
    6. Fedora 4 will implement the existing Hydra access controls behavior.
    7. To keep the conversation going, we will make use of the tech lists and occasionally joining the committers calls of the two projects.
    8. Question regarding pushing auth scheme into Fedora instead of Hydra? Consistency regarding authorization policies. There are aspects of Hydra that has nothing to do with Fedora. Search context does not work for Fedora.
      1. Retooling Hydra AuthN//Z into Fedora w/could be costly; But we should revisit this as Fedora 4 finalizes.
      2. Can Fedora provide a bridge for storing and authenticating the Hydra rights-metadata in Fedora? 
  8. Next call: Oct. 7th
    1. Moderator: Jessie Keck (Stanford)
    2. Notetaker: Michael Klein (Northwestern)