Committers Call 2013-11-11

Committers Call 2013-11-11


  • Moderator: Jessie Keck (Stanford)
  • Notetaker: Carolyn Cole (PSU)
  • Attendees:  
      • Drew Myers (WGBH)
      • Lakeisha Robinson (Yale)
      • David Chandek-Stark (Duke)
      • Jim Coble (Duke)
      • Carolyn Cole (PSU)
      • Jessie Keck (Stanford)
      • Justin Coyne (DCE)


  1. Call for agenda items
  2. Do we need Sufia support for Rails 3?
    1. Finder methods  were added that are not rails 3 compatible
    2. No one on the call has a specific need for Rails 3 with the latest Sufia
    3. Trying to determine a need so we do not waste resources
    4. Carolyn will add to next weeks agenda since there are not many people on the call
  3. Normalizing user/person/individual terminology in hydra-access-controls: How do we handle the rightsMetadata schema and OM terminology? (David C-S)
    1. David will add to next weeks agenda
    2. Message out on hydra tech about mixing and matching terms 
    3. Grey area about how the changes touch the rights-metadata schema
    4. What would be the process for changing the schema?  Can we determine how to change it if a change does need to happen.
    5. The general consensus is that people on the list are on board getting rid of the duplicate terms meaning the same thing
    6. Do we need to change the data to make this right?  There is the option to not change the indexing of rights metadata
    7. If we are going to gut this should we all discuss how to do this right
    8. This is a good topic for Hydra-Connect
    9. Possible side bug: to_solr is not using the config
    10. It would be good to have version of the schema.  Michael Klein has been doing work on versioning schemas
  4. Next call: Nov. 18th
    1. Moderator:  David Chandek-Stark (Duke)
    2. Notetaker:   Justin Coyne (DCE)