Committers Call 2013-10-28

Committers Call 2013-10-28


  • Moderator: Carolyn Cole (PSU)
  • Notetaker: David Chandek-Stark (Duke)
  • Attendees:
    • David Chandek-Stark (Duke)
    • Jim Coble (Duke)
    • James Van Mil (Cincinnati)
    • Glenn Horton (Cincinnati)
    • Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
    • Carolyn Cole (PSU)
    • Justin Coyne (DCE)
    • Thomas Scherz (Cincinnati)
    • Lakeisha Robinson (Yale)
    • Drew (WGBH)
    • Mike Stroming (Northwestern)
    • Adam Hallet (Northwestern)
    • Jessie Keck (Stanford)


  1. Call for agenda items
  2. Need to release hydra-jetty 7.0.0 (Justin)
    1. Fixes https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra-jetty/issues/20 and https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra-jetty/issues/15
    2. Who will do it? David C-S will create tag and close issues, document or write script.  Jeremy F. will update README.
  3. Jettywrapper status (Justin)
    1. Currently points at hydra-jetty 5.2.0, should be updated to 7.0.0
      Table until next week. 
  4. Announce ActiveFedora 6.7.0.rc1 was released (Justin)
    1. has_attributes instead of delegate and delegate_to
      1. Necessary to change this because multiple defaults to false in 7.0.0 and delegate is used for methods which are not attributes.
    2. Looks good to me (Justin), anyone else want to test before we go full version.
      PSU and Duke will test and report problems. 
  5. ActiveFedora status (Justin)
    1. Made a "mock fedora" branch. https://github.com/projecthydra/active_fedora/compare/repo_service
      1. Runs in a database (2x-3x as fast).
      2. Looking for ideas on how to turn this on (optionally) for running tests.
        1. I wrote an InMemoryAdaptor that is mostly working
        2. Code for InMemory https://github.com/projecthydra/active_fedora/compare/adding-in-memory-option#diff-96150d7722727d0ed5a231e3c6648f35L-1 (Jeremy)
        3. Code for Turning if off and on again https://gist.github.com/jeremyf/7197858
      3. Push down to Rubydora?
    2. after 6.7.0 goes out, the has_attributes stuff needs to be merged into master; delegate and delegate_to should be removed.
      Push to next week. 
  6. Rubydora status (Justin)
    1. https://github.com/projecthydra/rubydora/pull/43
    2. refactor to support the "mock fedora" driver and potentially Fedora 4.
      Chris Beer is looking at it.
      Jeremy/Justin - may as well merge b/c better than what's there. 
  7. Hydra 6.1 status
    1. Waiting on AF 6.7.0
    2. Need to update to include Blacklight 4.5.0
    3. Push out another release candidate (6.1.0.rc8)
      Revisit next week. 
  8. Sufia status
    1. Need to release 3.4.0.rc4 with AF 6.7.0
  9. Curate status (Jeremy)
    1. Is this a projecthydra project yet? What needs to be done?  Hopefully will be done this week.
    2. ACHTUNG Curate Committers: Major history rewrite, removing Jetty from Curate's git history. https://gist.github.com/7197963; 213M -> 45M
    3. https://github.com/ndlib/curate/pull/228 Then needs a 0.5.1 release so the gem is usable.
      If you have checked out repo but haven't committed, you can blow up and start over. 
  10. ActiveFedora::RegisteredAttributes (Jeremy)
    1. Given that we are moving towards has_attributes, I would like to begin auto-generating rudimentary forms based on the attributes that are explicitly declared on our objects. This is my rough draft of an API. https://gist.github.com/jeremyf/7086692 
      May be able to build into hydra-editor
  11. Jeremy created a Google+ community for Project Hydra.  Will post information to hydra-tech.  Hope to increase participation and transparency.
  12. Next call: Nov. 4th
    1. Moderator: Jeremy Friesen
    2. Notetaker: Thomas Scherz