Committers Call 2013-11-4

Committers Call 2013-11-4


  • Moderator: Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
  • Notetaker: Thomas Scherz (Cincinnati)
  • Attendees:

James Van Mil (UC)

Thomas Scherz (UC)

Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)

Jim Coble (Duke)

Carolyn Cole (PSU)

Adam Wead (RockandRoll)

Justin Coyne (DCE)

Glen Horton (UC) 

Mike Stroming (Northwestern)

Mike Klein (Northwestern)

Drew (WGBH)

Edgar Garcia (Northwestern)

Adam Hallet (Northwestern)

Jessie Keck (Stanford)


  1. Call for agenda items
    1. Code4Lib - Preconference (Blacklight / Hydra?)
  2. hydra-jetty 7.0.0 was released
    1. David released.
    2. Need someone to update hydra-jetty to Fedora Commons 3.7.1
      1. Patch Release - multiple identifier bug - Storing next PID in database problem.  Not sure of if our jetty instance is using this function.
      2. Adam and Mike K. had 3.7.1 rebuild problems - propose tabling 
  3. Jettywrapper 1.5.0 was released
    1. points at hydra-jetty 7.0.0
  4. Active Fedora 6.7.0 was released
    1. Added HasAttributes feature
  5. Hydra 6.1.0  – rc8 released and tested. 
    1. final version this week - Release on Wednesday.
  6. Curate status?
    1. Ready to move into projecthydra? - 
      1. Jeremy was communicating with Richard.  Will wait until he hears from him to move it into Project Hydra
  7. Sufia 3.4.0 – ready to release.
    1. Jeremy reported a few anomalies but supported release.
  8. Pull request procedures
    1. Justin, Chris, and Jeremy discussed Pull Request Procedures.  If you don't assign it to anyone, then anyone can merge.  If you assign to someone then they are the ones to merge.
    2. If you merge a pull request, read through all of the comments.  
    3. Jeremy will add this procedure to hydra gem documentation
  9. Next call: Nov. 11th
    1. Moderator:  Jessie Keck
    2. Notetaker: Justin Coyne
  10. Hydra @ Code 4 Lib
    1. Carolyn, Jim attending.
    2. Chris beer - 2 Pre-conference Sessions (morning presentation / afternoon hackfest)
    3. Open up to Hydra-Tech list