Committers Call 2013-10-21

Committers Call 2013-10-21


  • Moderator: Justin Coyne (DCE)
  • Notetaker: Adam Wead (Rockhall)
  • Lakeisha Robinson (Yale)
  • David Chandek-Stark (Duke)
  • Chris Colvard  (IU)
  • Leah Lee (IU)
  • Mike Stroming (Northwestern)
  • Mike Klein (Northwestern)
  • Adam Hallet (Northwestern)
  • Edgar Garcia (Northwestern)
  • Thomas Scherz (U. of Cincinnati)
  • Glen Horton (U. of Cincinnati)
  • Jessie (Stanford)
  • Carolyn Cole (Penn State)


  1. Announcement ActiveFedora 6.6.0 & HydraHead 6.4.0 (Justin)
    1. Master branch for both projects is now targeting 7.0.0
      1. new features will not be available until 7.0.0 is out
    2. Please test, if no bugs, we'll release hydra 6.1 based on this combination.
      1. Hydra gem will go to a new release candidate out once BL 4.5 is out later this week
  2. Sufia 3.4 release needed. (Justin)
    1. Targets hydra-head 6.4
    2. Thomas was able to successfully test all the latest Sufia gems
  3. Making hydra-editor more reusable? (David C-S)
    1. making changes to fit with Duke's application
    2. Tufts and ScholarSphere is currently using it but making changes shouldn't pose any problems
  4. Next call: Oct. 28th
    1. Moderator: Carolyn Cole (PSU)
    2. Notetaker: David C-S