Committers Call 2013-10-21
Committers Call 2013-10-21
- Moderator: Justin Coyne (DCE)
- Notetaker: Adam Wead (Rockhall)
- Lakeisha Robinson (Yale)
- David Chandek-Stark (Duke)
- Chris Colvard (IU)
- Leah Lee (IU)
- Mike Stroming (Northwestern)
- Mike Klein (Northwestern)
- Adam Hallet (Northwestern)
- Edgar Garcia (Northwestern)
- Thomas Scherz (U. of Cincinnati)
- Glen Horton (U. of Cincinnati)
- Jessie (Stanford)
- Carolyn Cole (Penn State)
- Announcement ActiveFedora 6.6.0 & HydraHead 6.4.0 (Justin)
- Master branch for both projects is now targeting 7.0.0
- new features will not be available until 7.0.0 is out
- Please test, if no bugs, we'll release hydra 6.1 based on this combination.
- Hydra gem will go to a new release candidate out once BL 4.5 is out later this week
- Master branch for both projects is now targeting 7.0.0
- Sufia 3.4 release needed. (Justin)
- Targets hydra-head 6.4
- Thomas was able to successfully test all the latest Sufia gems
- Making hydra-editor more reusable? (David C-S)
- making changes to fit with Duke's application
- Tufts and ScholarSphere is currently using it but making changes shouldn't pose any problems
- Next call: Oct. 28th
- Moderator: Carolyn Cole (PSU)
- Notetaker: David C-S
- Moderator: Carolyn Cole (PSU)