Committers Call 2013-06-10
Committers Call 2013-06-10
- Moderator: Adam Wead (Rockhall)
- Notetaker: Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
- Attendees:
- Simon Lamb (Hull)
- Drew Myers (WGBH)
- Jeremy Friesen (ND)
- Adam Wead (Rock Hall)
- Chris Colvard (IU)
- Justin Coyne (DCE)
- Micheal Klein (NW)
- Edgar Garcia (NW)
- Mike Stromming (NW)
- Mark Bussey (DCE)
- Call for agenda items
- Action items from the partners meeting?
- Updated Developer section of community page How Does the Samvera Community Work? (Mark)
- Got a decision on licensing and copyright (Mark)
- Copyright Notice Options (https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/hydra/Copyright+Notice+Options)
- Remove all license boilerplate, put a LICENSE.txt in the root of the repo
- Documentation update (Drew | Mark)
- Has created a personal repo for merging the documentation between wikis
- This will be ticket driven documenation
- This is in a state of flux but is available https://github.com/afred/hydra-dev-docs/
- Desired outcome is versioning documentation with the code versions.
- Changelog generation (Jeremy)
- First line of the commit message
- Keep it to 50 characters
- Then keep following lines to 72 characters
- Jeremy has the Sublime configuration for "validating" your log
- Unless you want to be asked to write the entry for the changelog, consider your commit message
- If the commit is not for the Changelog, add the [logskip] tag
- First line of the commit message
- Week long code shred at Penn State
- More details to follow
- Fixing the hydra gem.
- Jeremy fixed by adding "require: 'hydra6'
- cbeer suggested making hydra.rb in hydra-head should attempt to require a file (hydra6) within the hydra gem
- Mark and Alicia to try running Tutorials with Hydra gem
- Have gotten further along, they get through the generators…and when you try to load the app, there is an undefined constant error
- Mark will publish, to github, the repo
- Review early prototype of hydra_mediated
- http://demo.curationexperts.com/
- A thought experiment on the plane
- This relates to the Curate
- Need an Admin Collections gem - they have policies governing access; Typically each item can only belong to 0 or 1 admin collection
- This is an Intellectual Collection https://github.com/psu-stewardship/hydra-collections; These are groupings and objects can belong to more than one
- Contributors File (Jeremy)
Proposed format:
Contributors to this project:
* Andrew Myers
* Jeremy Friesen
* Jessie Keck
* Justin Coyne
* Mark Bussey
* afred
* mark-dceNote: mark-dec and Mark Bussey are duplicates, if we add a .mailmap file to the project we can have "prettier" names:
Mark Bussey <mark@curationexperts.com> mark-dce <mark@curationexperts.com> Canonical Author Name <canonical-author@email.com> Commit Author Name <commit-author@email.com> - Jeremy will submit a pull request on this file (and the script)
- Should sufia and sufia-models use the same version number like hydra-core & hydra-access-controls?
- Yes.
- Need a script to update versions in both Gemfiles
- Jeremy will create this issue
- Github documentation repo (Drew)
- https://github.com/afred/hydra-dev-docs/
- This is for Hydra Head and would be the model for other gems
- Getting hydra-head working on rails 4
- Justin is stuck getting bundler to run; needs help.
- Bundler will not build the dependency graph; If blacklight is commented out, then it builds.
- Could be related to release candidates of Rails
- Pull request that got merged from the guy without a iCLA.
- Jeremy has shame…should he back out the pull request?
- We will revisit this in 4 weeks with a Partners/Steering discussion
- Jeremy will try to contact the committer
- Next call:
- Date 6/17/2013
- Moderator: Justin Coyne (DCE)
- Notetaker: Drew Myers (WGBH)
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