Committers Call 2013-06-10

Committers Call 2013-06-10


  • Moderator:  Adam Wead (Rockhall)
  • Notetaker:  Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
  • Attendees:
    • Simon Lamb (Hull)
    • Drew Myers (WGBH)
    • Jeremy Friesen (ND)
    • Adam Wead (Rock Hall)
    • Chris Colvard (IU)
    • Justin Coyne (DCE)
    • Micheal Klein (NW)
    • Edgar Garcia (NW)
    • Mike Stromming (NW)
    • Mark Bussey (DCE)


  1. Call for agenda items
  2. Action items from the partners meeting?
    1. Updated Developer section of community page  How Does the Samvera Community Work? (Mark)
    2. Got a decision on licensing and copyright (Mark)
      1. Copyright Notice Options (https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/hydra/Copyright+Notice+Options)
      2. Remove all license boilerplate, put a LICENSE.txt in the root of the repo
    3. Documentation update (Drew | Mark)
      1. Has created a personal repo for merging the documentation between wikis
      2. This will be ticket driven documenation
      3. This is in a state of flux but is available https://github.com/afred/hydra-dev-docs/
      4. Desired outcome is versioning documentation with the code versions.
    4. Changelog generation (Jeremy)
      1. First line of the commit message
        1. Keep it to 50 characters
        2. Then keep following lines to 72 characters
        3. Jeremy has the Sublime configuration for "validating" your log 
      2. Unless you want to be asked to write the entry for the changelog, consider your commit message
      3. If the commit is not for the Changelog, add the [logskip] tag
    5. Week long code shred at Penn State
      1. More details to follow
  3. Fixing the hydra gem. 
    1. Jeremy fixed by adding "require: 'hydra6'
    2. cbeer suggested making hydra.rb in hydra-head should attempt to require a file (hydra6) within the hydra gem
    3. Mark and Alicia to try running Tutorials with Hydra gem
      1. Have gotten further along, they get through the generators…and when you try to load the app, there is an undefined constant error
      2. Mark will publish, to github, the repo
  4. Review early prototype of hydra_mediated
    1. http://demo.curationexperts.com/
    2. A thought experiment on the plane
    3. This relates to the Curate
    4. Need an Admin Collections gem - they have policies governing access; Typically each item can only belong to 0 or 1 admin collection
    5. This is an Intellectual Collection https://github.com/psu-stewardship/hydra-collections; These are groupings and objects can belong to more than one
  5. Contributors File (Jeremy)
    1. Proposed format:

      Contributors to this project:

      * Andrew Myers
      * Jeremy Friesen
      * Jessie Keck
      * Justin Coyne
      * Mark Bussey
      * afred
      * mark-dce


      Note: mark-dec and Mark Bussey are duplicates, if we add a .mailmap file to the project we can have "prettier" names:

    2. Mark Bussey <mark@curationexperts.com> mark-dce <mark@curationexperts.com>
      Canonical Author Name <canonical-author@email.com> Commit Author Name <commit-author@email.com>
    3. Jeremy will submit a pull request on this file (and the script)
  6. Should sufia and sufia-models use the same version number like hydra-core & hydra-access-controls?
    1. Yes.
    2. Need a script to update versions in both Gemfiles
      1. Jeremy will create this issue
  7. Github documentation repo (Drew)
    1. https://github.com/afred/hydra-dev-docs/
    2. This is for Hydra Head and would be the model for other gems
  8. Getting hydra-head working on rails 4
    1. Justin is stuck getting bundler to run; needs help.
    2. Bundler will not build the dependency graph; If blacklight is commented out, then it builds.
    3. Could be related to release candidates of Rails
  9. Pull request that got merged from the guy without a iCLA.
    1. Jeremy has shame…should he back out the pull request?
    2. We will revisit this in 4 weeks with a Partners/Steering discussion
    3. Jeremy will try to contact the committer
  10. Next call:
    1. Date 6/17/2013
    2. Moderator: Justin Coyne (DCE)
    3. Notetaker: Drew Myers (WGBH)

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