Committers Call 2013-09-09
Committers Call 2013-09-09
- Moderator: Carolyn Cole (PSU)
- Notetaker: Jesse Keck (Stanford)
- Attendees:
Carolyn Cole (PSU)
Adam Wead (Rock-Hall)
Andrew Meyers (WGBH)
Lakeisha Robinson (Yale)
Ben Armintor (Columbia)
Jim Coble (Duke)
Jeremy Friesen (ND)
Jessie Keck (Stanford)
Mike Giarlo (Penn State [Seattle Campus])
- Roll call
- Hydra-Derivatives
- Can we burn RMagick with fire? We already have a large enough dependency stack, can we switch to the lighter weight, more maintained, MiniMagick?
- https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra-derivatives/pull/8
- This has been merged, we should bump the version
RMagic == Bad (Leaks Memory, Hard to Build)
MinMagick much better.
Jeremy believes he has matched the RMagick integration w/ MiniMagick in Hydra-Derivatives
- Project Hydra gem ownership
- Who should be the default owner of each of the Hydra related gems? Presently Justin is the sole owner of Hydra Derivatives
- There has not been a codified list of people who can publish the Hydra gems yet (e.g. Owners in RubyGems).
- Jeremy will follow up to get this canonical list of gem owners.
- We could potentially add this this to the release process to make sure that any gem has the correct list of owners.
- Who should be the default owner of each of the Hydra related gems? Presently Justin is the sole owner of Hydra Derivatives
- Developers congress is next week
note from Mark B. - I won't make the call Monday because I'm traveling, but here's some additional info
- Please make any additions to the "Development Topics" list on the September 2013 Developer Meeting Agenda by EOD Monday - Mark will be putting together a Google poll and sending it out Tuesday afternoon to gauge relative interest/desire for potential options
- Mark is still working with Dan Coughlin to see if see if we can secure a developers house to work at and share some meals - for now, make sure you've got lodging at the Atherton or elsewhere if you plan to attend if we end up with some room at the house, I'll ask Dan to send out an e-mail with more info.
- Please feel free to shoot Mark (mark@curationexperts.com) an e-mail with any other questions or thoughts prior to next week
- Jeremy brought up the Curate Gem. (Collab between DCE, ND, and Northwestern)
- Should have something to show during the Dev Congress.
- If others are interested in the development and/or contribution, contact Jeremy (ND)
- Justin's New Addition ( http://tinyurl.com/ol7u98l )
- Next call: Monday Sept. 23rd (barring no-call during Dev Congress)
- Moderator: Jim Coble
- Notetaker: Mike Giarlo
- Moderator: Jim Coble
, multiple selections available,