Committers Call 2014-09-08

Committers Call 2014-09-08

Moderator: Carolyn Cole (PSU)

Notetaker:  Jim Coble (Duke)


  • Glen Horton (UC)
  • Thomas Scherz (UC)
  • David Chandek-Stark (Duke)
  • Jim Coble (Duke)
  • Carolyn Cole (PSU)


  1. Call for Agenda Items
    1. No additions
  2. Review https://github.com/projecthydra/rubydora/pull/89 - Adds streaming support for external datastreams
    1. Postponed until next call (unless merged in the meantime) since no one on call felt they had enough Rubydora expertise to fully evaluate
  3. Next call: September 15
    1. Moderator: Glen Horton (UC)
    2. Notetaker: Thomas Scherz (UC)