Hydra Tech Call 2014-10-08
Hydra Tech Call 2014-10-08
Date: 2014-10-08
Time: 8:30am PDT / 11:30am EDT
Call-In Info: 1-530-881-1400, access code 651025
Moderator: Jeremy Friesen
Notetaker: Justin Coyne
Sue Richardson (UVA)
Esme Cowles (UCSD)
Aaron Coleburn (Amherst)
Jim Coble (Duke)
John Stroop & Kevin Rice (Princeton)
David Chandek-Stark (Duke)
Carolyn Cole (Penn State)
Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
Chris Colvard (IU)
Glen Horton (Cinciatti)
Joe Atzberger (Stanford)
Trey Terrell (Oregon State?)
Karen Estlund (University of Oregon)
Matt Critchlow (UCSD)
Julie Hardesty (IU)
- Call for Agenda Items
RDF - Nothing to talk about at this point
Access Controls: Discussion of use cases and RDF examples of Fedora Models
Complex objects (time permitting but most likely just a notice that this is a coming agenda item)
- How to Have Architectural Conversations (Jeremy) -
- Examples: https://github.com/lotus/model/issues/36
- Do architectural conversations before we do pull requests.
- What lessons can be applied from working with Curate?
- What are the boundaries for each module.
- Jeremy Friesen will put a proposal up on Hydra works.
- We need use cases first (Joe Atzberger), Categorize into accepted & unaccepted. (justin)
- Hydra-Works - a place for collaborating on a shared data model
- https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/hydra-works
- Should this target AF7 or AF8?
- Target 8 for concrete implementation, but document an interface that is independent.
- ActiveFedora 8
- Access Controls - Put this on the agenda for next week. Can't drag out too long because it's needed for the PSU beta pilot.
- Overview of the proposed solutions - Which one of these should we pick? Rob, Esmé and David are working on use cases and examples.
- http://www.w3.org/wiki/WebAccessControl - Model that the w3c is working on, but it's not a standard.
- vs. new predicates on repository objects - Simpler model proposed for UCSD.
- Overview of the proposed solutions - Which one of these should we pick? Rob, Esmé and David are working on use cases and examples.
- Update for using ActiveTriples 0.3.0? Tom Johnson is working on it
- New version of hydra-jetty containing https://github.com/fcrepo4/fcrepo4/pull/496 - Adam mentioned this at Hydra Connect.
- Access Controls - Put this on the agenda for next week. Can't drag out too long because it's needed for the PSU beta pilot.
- Next call: October 15
- Moderator: Justin Coyne
- Notetaker: Matt Critchlow
, multiple selections available,