Hydra Tech Call 2014-11-12

Hydra Tech Call 2014-11-12

Date: 2014-10-29

Time: 8:30am PDT / 11:30am EDT

Call-In Info: 1-530-881-1400, access code 651025

Moderator: Justin Coyne

Notetaker:  Esmé Cowles



  1. Call for Agenda Items
  2. Report on Hydra::Works workshop in Portland
    1. Trey: summarized the workshop, many good notes at Hydra Developers - Making Progress Fall 2014
      1. Much discussion of Hydra::Works and the abstract model, including removing the Component entity, endorsing ORE-style ordering, membership instead of containment, etc.
      2. Supporting IIIF and improving Hydra integration.
      3. Discussion of features present in many different Hydra heads – people should add their features to the Feature Inventory Grid
      4. Resolved to have AF 8 be the last to support Fedora 3, and provided guidance on migration paths for moving to Fedora 4.
    2. Julie: What's the best way to ask questions? A: mailing list is probably the best.
  3. report on first Hydra Training & Documentation call and nascent working group (Drew Myers WGBH)
    1. Drew: Surge of activity after Hydra Connect
    2. Decided to create a projecthydra-labs project
    3. Short term objectives
      1. Come up with standardized documentation templates (e.g. tutorials)
      2. Improve process for creating, editing and expiring docs
  4. Report on Active Fedora process
    1. Adam: Reviewing issues, now milestones for AF8 and AF9 (7 issues left - hopefully this week or next)
    2. Justin: Remaining issues are mostly new features, not broken functionality that was working in AF7
      1. Sufia tests passing, but a few features disabled (versioning, audit log), still needs manual testing
      2. Fedora 4 beta 4 just released, expect 4.0 final RC on 11/24.
  5. Active Fedora 8 release manager (Fedora 3 release)
    1. One PR still needs to be merged
    2. Possible backports of Fedora 4 functionality
    3. Volunteers?  We can wait a week or two for a volunteer.  Justin will nominate David Chandek-Stark and see if he accepts.
  6. Next call
    1. November 19
    2. Moderator: Carolyn Cole
    3. Notetaker: Thomas Scherz