Hydra Tech Call 2014-11-12
Hydra Tech Call 2014-11-12
Date: 2014-10-29
Time: 8:30am PDT / 11:30am EDT
Call-In Info: 1-530-881-1400, access code 651025
Moderator: Justin Coyne
Notetaker: Esmé Cowles
- Former user (Deleted)
- Steven Ng
- Jon Stroop
- cam156
- Drew Myers
- Colin Brill, VaTech
- Glen Horton
- spr7b
- Thomas Scherz
- Cory Harper
- Juliet Hardesty
- Chris Colvard (Deactivated)
- justin
- Peter Binkley
- Trey Pendragon
- Call for Agenda Items
- Report on Hydra::Works workshop in Portland
- Trey: summarized the workshop, many good notes at
Hydra Developers - Making Progress Fall 2014
- Much discussion of Hydra::Works and the abstract model, including removing the Component entity, endorsing ORE-style ordering, membership instead of containment, etc.
- Supporting IIIF and improving Hydra integration.
- Discussion of features present in many different Hydra heads – people should add their features to the Feature Inventory Grid
- Resolved to have AF 8 be the last to support Fedora 3, and provided guidance on migration paths for moving to Fedora 4.
- Julie: What's the best way to ask questions? A: mailing list is probably the best.
- Trey: summarized the workshop, many good notes at
Hydra Developers - Making Progress Fall 2014
- report on first Hydra Training & Documentation call and nascent working group (Drew Myers WGBH)
- Drew: Surge of activity after Hydra Connect
- Decided to create a projecthydra-labs project
- Short term objectives
- Come up with standardized documentation templates (e.g. tutorials)
- Improve process for creating, editing and expiring docs
- Report on Active Fedora process
- Adam: Reviewing issues, now milestones for AF8 and AF9 (7 issues left - hopefully this week or next)
- Justin: Remaining issues are mostly new features, not broken functionality that was working in AF7
- Sufia tests passing, but a few features disabled (versioning, audit log), still needs manual testing
- Fedora 4 beta 4 just released, expect 4.0 final RC on 11/24.
- Active Fedora 8 release manager (Fedora 3 release)
- One PR still needs to be merged
- Possible backports of Fedora 4 functionality
- Volunteers? We can wait a week or two for a volunteer. Justin will nominate David Chandek-Stark and see if he accepts.
- Next call
- November 19
- Moderator: Carolyn Cole
- Notetaker: Thomas Scherz
, multiple selections available,