Hydra Tech Call 2014-11-19

Hydra Tech Call 2014-11-19

Date: 2014-11-19

Time: 8:30am PDT / 11:30am EDT

Call-In Info: 1-530-881-1400, access code 651025

Moderator: Carolyn Cole

Notetaker:  Thomas Scherz


  1. Steven Ng - Temple
  2. Sue Richeson - UVA
  3. Julie Hardesty - IU
  4. David Chandek-Stark - Duke
  5. Esme Cowles - UCSD
  6. Jim Coble - Duke
  7. Trey Terrell - Oregon State
  8. Peter Binkley - Alberta
  9. Sharon Farnel - Alberta
  10. Tricia Williams - Alberta
  11. Michael Klein - Northwestern
  12. Carolyn Cole - Penn State
  13. Lakeisha Robinson - Yale
  14. Aaron Coburn - Amherst
  15. Collin Brittle - VA Tech
  16. Adam Wead - Penn State
  17. Karen Estlund - Oregon
  18. Ben Armintor - Columbia
  19. Joe Atzberger - Stanford
  20. Thomas Scherz - Cincinnati
  21. Katherine Lynch - Temple


  1. Call for Agenda Items
  2. Hydra::Works Application Profile Review (Thomas)
    1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o-Iq1oKN_W5NXXDQC81pxkhibOz_AhZlY7IShxPTR5M/edit
    2. Need to remove Descriptive Metadata from GenericFiles
    3. Add built in node for proxy and ordering in diagram.
    4. Esme call to hydra-tech for review.
  3. Hydra::Works descriptive metadata: example mapping from simple DC to DPLA MAP to UCSD DAMS (Esme)
    1. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OjTm1Kuzo-An-THdpUkjwa5puul-b4Lx3SK0lB6rvl8/edit#gid=616154196
    2. This is the model we are looking to share as common mapping.  Please review.
    3. Can we agree on any fields?
    4. Esme call to hydra-tech for review.
    5. Is there a plan to resolve properties?
      1. There is not a public RDF document yet, but Esme plans to incorporate.
    6. Stanford is revisiting its model design concurrently.
  4. ActiveFedora release schedule (awead)
    1. ActiveFedora 8 Dec. 1st
      1. PR without parity in AF9
        1. SOLR #612.  Adam:  Solr service has been removed in AF9
      2. Adam -  Believes that most parity issues have been resolved.
    2. ActiveFedora 9 Dec. 8th? Does this conflict with Penn State sprint?
      1. For the purpose of timing, PSU would like AF 9 in a gem form by their sprint time.
      2. If we only have ActiveFedora in Gem file then when we release AF9 then they will get Fedora 4 stuff.  
      3. We need to communicate before release.
    3. Open Pull Request: 
      1. Are these things that people want to get in version 8.0?
        1. Carolyn - PSU bug fix should get in.
        2. Ben - His PR could be in AF8
        3. David will merge if everything is legit.
      2. Fedora 4 Rels-Ext URIs?
        1. Where did they come from?  Where did they go?
        2. Removed old Fedora 3 predicates from Fedora 4
        3. Shuttled off to another namespace
        4. We may want those URI's to ease migration.  Ben will follow up with Chris Beer or Andrew.
        5. There are things that we could backport to AF8 that would make it less painful for migration.  - Ben
  5. Next call: November 26
    1. Moderator:  Joe Atzberger 
    2. Notetaker:   Karen Estlund