Committers Call 2014-02-17

Committers Call 2014-02-17

Moderator: Justin Coyne (DCE)

Notetaker: Jim Coble (Duke)


  • Jim Coble (Duke)
  • Carolyn Cole (PSU)
  • Chris Colvard (Indiana)
  • Justin Coyne (DCE)
  • Glen Horton (Cincinnati)
  • Lakeisha Robinson (Yale)
  • Thomas Scherz (Cincinnati)
  • Mike Stroming (Northwestern)
  • Adam Wead (RockHall)
  1. Call for agenda items
    >>> No additional items 
  2. Rubydora 1.7.2 & 1.7.3? update
    >>> Applications, including Sufia, were breaking with 1.7.2 so it was yanked.
    >>> Release of 1.7.3 expected later this week. 
  3. Hydra 6.2.0
    David C-S (unable to attend): 6.2.0.pre.3 - https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra/pull/45.  Rubydora pinned to 1.7.0.
    >>>  Justin wants Hydra 6.2.0 to have Rubydora 1.7.3.  A note will be added to the pull request.
  4. ActiveFedora 7.0.0 update
    >>> Will have a release candidate out later this week if Rubydora 1.7.3 is looking good.
    >>> RDF-related work that is being done will be incorporated into 7.1 unless it is finished early this week. 
  5. HydraHead 7.0.0 update
    1. Waiting on ActiveFedora 7.0.0
    2. Needs to be pointed at Blacklight 5.1
  6. Hydra Derivatives: PRs regarding configuration. Should we talk about these? (awead)
    >>> Justin will look at these.
    1. https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra-derivatives/pull/22
    2. https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra-derivatives/pull/23 
  7. Next Call: Feb. 24th
    • Moderator:  Adam Wead (RockHall)
    • Note taker: Carolyn Cole (PSU)