Hydra Tech Call 2014-10-22

Hydra Tech Call 2014-10-22

Date: 2014-10-22

Time: 8:30am PDT / 11:30am EDT

Call-In Info: 1-530-881-1400, access code 651025

Moderator: Carolyn Cole

Notetaker:  Thomas Scherz


    Steven Ng (Temple)

    Trey Terrell (Oregon State)

    Peter Binkley (University of Alberta)

    Weiwei Shi (University of Alberta)

    Tricia Jenkins (University of Alberta)

    Umar Qasim (University of Alberta)

    Lakeshia Robinson (Yale)

    Aaron Coleburn (Amherst) 

    Corey Harper (NYU)

    Collin Brittle (VaTech)

    Esme Cowles (UCSD)

    Carolyn Cole (PSU)

    Chris Colvard (Indiana)

    Michael Klein (Northwestern)

    Edgar Garcia (Northwestern)

    Adam Wead (PSU)

    Tom Johnson (DPLA) 

    Karen Estlund (University of Oregon)

    Julie Hardesty (Indiana)

    Brian Keese (Indiana)

    David Chandek-Stark (Duke)

    Jim Coble (Duke)


  1. Call for Agenda Items
  2. Standing Items:
    1. RDF  - Do we need a standing agenda item or was the rationale to integrate out of RDF into the fuller meeting enough to recognize that RDF topics are integrated in the rest of agenda and can be pulled out as separate only if necessary?
      1. Karen - Proposes that RDF topics should be listed as agenda item rather than standing items. 
        1. Approved.  Remove standing item and add topics. 
      2. DPLA metadata application profile v4: Feedback from interested parties here? Deadline is 10/31 for comment.
        1. Esme -  Call for review as a starting point for Hydra:works
          1. Developers could start with Dublin Core and could add items from application profile as needed.  
        2. Tom J - Review through 10/31.  
        3. Karen - Will be part of conversation in Portland.
        4. Esme - If you have descriptive metadata than how do you link out to reusable vocabularies:  Strings... Objects...  or linking directly to linked data vocabularies.  Rights still needs to be flushed out.  A complete Data Model would look like:
          1. Structural Metadata
          2. Rights Metadata
          3. DPLA Descriptive Metadata
  3. Hydra::Works
    1. Discussion seems to have slowed a bit. What do we do now/next, and who's on it?
      1. Summarizing and synthesizing use cases into wiki into a standard format by next week.  
      2. Who is available to work on this?  Karen, Esme, and Thomas
      3. Synethsis by closing PR when moved into WIKI.  Post comment at bottom of issue with link to Use Case and then close issue.
      4. Do we want them in Wiki or on Repository?  Wiki.  Possibly both.
      5. If issues is closed on github, then conversation moves to wiki.  Duraspace.
      6. The goal by next week is to have the github issues closed and synthesized into the wiki. 
  4. Remove Rails 3 bits from the hydra wiki: https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra/issues/60 (awead via jcoyne)
    1. Question:  Are we supporting Rails 3?
    2. Does our test suite support Rails 3?
    3. SUFIA is not running Rails 3.
    4. Is anyone on this call running Rails 3?  
    5. Hydra-Head and Active Fedora are still running test on Rails 3.
    6. Adam will send out a message to Hydra Tech stating our direction.
    7. Security concern:  Rails 3 is not being maintained.
    8. Tom J - Send email to hydra tech list and clarify direction then eventually change dependencies when the tests start to fail.
  5. Next call: October 29
    1. Moderator:  Karen Estrund
    2. Notetaker:  Peter Binkley