Hydra Tech Call 2014-10-15
Hydra Tech Call 2014-10-15
Date: 2014-10-15
Time: 8:30am PDT / 11:30am EDT
Call-In Info: 1-530-881-1400, access code 651025
Moderator: Adam Wead
Notetaker: Matt Critchlow
Patrick Feeley (Case Western)
Thomas Scherz (University of Cincinnati)
Glen Horton (University of Cincinnati)
Trey Terrell (Oregon State)
Tom Johnson (DPLA)
Mike Giarlo (PSU)
Adam Wead (PSU)
Hector Corea (PSU)
Esme Cowles (UCSD)
Matt Critchlow (UCSD)
Jim Coble (Duke)
Carolyn Cole (Penn State)
Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
Joe Atzberger (Stanford)
Peter Binkley (University of Alberta)
Sharon Farnel (University of Alberta)
- Call for Agenda Items
- Reminder: Hydra Developers - Making Progress Fall 2014
- Call for Hydra::Works Use Cases https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/hydra-works/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#use-cases
- Use Case synthesis will begin 2014-10-22
- Winnowing out use cases (discussion will need to happen and documentation for deferred/rejected use cases)
- Following due date: Will migrate all use cases into Hydra Wiki
- Joe Atzberger reviewing existing published cases at Stanford
- Critchlow, Matthew reviewed use cases at UCSD, will have final use cases soon
- Use Case contributions from folks without iCLAs https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/hydra-works/issues/21 (Matt)
- Mike – Use Cases should live on the Wiki anyway
- Esme – Put them in Github issues is fine too, then they can be distributed into repo and/or Wiki
- For now: Either Github Issue or Hydra Wiki is fine
- Use Case synthesis will begin 2014-10-22
- Followup from
Hydra Tech Call 2014-10-08
- How to Have Architectural Conversations (Jeremy)
- DataMapper pattern noted in Hydra Tech post. Jeremy Friesen exploring and creating a straw-dog for review at PDX hackfest
- GH Issues pace of discussion is very positive
- Access Controls - Put this on the agenda for next week. Can't drag out too long because it's needed for the PSU beta pilot.
- Overview of the proposed solutions - Which one of these should we pick? Rob, Esmé and David are working on use cases and examples.
- http://www.w3.org/wiki/WebAccessControl- Model that the w3c is working on, but it's not a standard.
- vs. new predicates on repository objects- Simpler model proposed for UCSD.
- Updates:
- Rob and David have created examples of WAC implementation. Esme has examples in his gist.
- Former user (Deleted) has reservations on WAC. Do others?
justin is implementing Hydra Access Controls using WAC model and is close to an implementation. Uses RDF. Will post when ready for comment/review
- Enforcement is in Hydra, not in Fedora
- Former user (Deleted) - Fedora 4.x could have updated Roles module to enforce access control at the repository level.
- Former user (Deleted) - On Fedora call tomorrow. Will bring up issue and solicit opinions and engagement
- Overview of the proposed solutions - Which one of these should we pick? Rob, Esmé and David are working on use cases and examples.
- ActiveFedora update for using ActiveTriples 0.3.0
tamsin woo - branch in place https://github.com/no-reply/active_fedora/tree/object-resource-refactor
- Current blocker is Identifiable. Hopes to get to it soon to resolve so AT doesn't leave behind AF
- Treating AF base objects as graphs
- Getting AT-related gems in on the DPLA side at the moment
- Current blocker is Identifiable. Hopes to get to it soon to resolve so AT doesn't leave behind AF
- justin would be OK if AF7 uses 0.2, wants AF8 to be on master of AT 0.3+
Jeremy Friesen - Are we shutting down feature upgrades/development for AF7?
- justin - No, anyone can work on it. Hydra stack is motivated on who wants to work on it.
- Adam Wead - Majority of work is on AF8, but be aware if you make updates to AF7 you may be encourage to port to AF8
- tamsin woo - If folks are concerned about AF7's future, should organize and discuss as a group. What do we want to have happen with it?
- Action Item: Jeremy Friesen will move this discussion to the Hydra-Tech, Hydra-Community, Hydra-Partners lists for further discussion
tamsin woo - branch in place https://github.com/no-reply/active_fedora/tree/object-resource-refactor
- New version of hydra-jetty containing https://github.com/fcrepo4/fcrepo4/pull/496
- Former user (Deleted) - the branch cbeer was working on is merged into master
- Adam Wead - will create new version based on master
- There is a hydra-jetty with Fedora3 and 4 if folks want to test their migrations
- How to Have Architectural Conversations (Jeremy)
- Rights/Works discussion are everything in the RDF context at the moment
- Still standing item going forward? Group: Yes, at bottom of agenda
ActiveFedora and Fedora4 - where are we? (awead)
- PSU: moving forward with F4 migration at end of year. Requires AF compatibility. Sprint scheduled with DCE soon to finalize AF updates needed
- Hope to have a RC of AF8 to support F4 integration
- https://github.com/projecthydra/active_fedora/milestones/Fedora%204 (Review and provide feedback)
- tamsin woo - Communication on timeline of Sprint(s) would be very helpful for folks to participate. DPLA has interest in AF8+ looking as much like LDP as possible. Might have resources to support this Fall.
- Adam Wead - Will send email with communication details for Sprints to Hydra Tech/Community/Partners
- PSU: moving forward with F4 migration at end of year. Requires AF compatibility. Sprint scheduled with DCE soon to finalize AF updates needed
- Next call: October 22
- Moderator: Carolyn Cole
- Notetaker: Thomas Scherz
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