Committers Call 2014-03-03

Moderator: Michael Kline

Notetaker: Thomas Scherz


 Carolyn Cole (PSU)

 Michael Klein (Northwestern)

 Justin Coyne (DCE)

 Adam Wead (RockHall)

 Lakeisha Robinson (Yale)

 Chris Colvard (IU)

 Mike Stroming (Northwestern)

 Edgar Garcia (Northwestern)

 Adam Hallett (Northwestern)

 Thomas Scherz (UC) 


  1. Call for agenda items
    1. None
  2. Updated . Please review (jcoyne)
    1. Updated by Justin Coyne.  Looking for reviewers.
    2. Should we delete the whole file?
      • Helpful when first learning (Adam Wead)
      • Does it hurt anything?
        • People aren't all starting in the same spot.
        • Tabled till after reviewed.
  3. Blockers for AF 7
    1. cCLA from Tom Johnson from OSU.
      • Time frame for approval?
      • We believe it is worth waiting for RDF before releasing AF7.
      • Auto-assign data stream gives a deprecation warning.
      • Fix it in the data initializer.  Proposed by Chris Corvald.
        • Seconded by Carolyn Cole.  Approved by committers.
    3. Carolyn would like her re-load pull requests included before AF7.
      • When solrizer is called it does a reload before you save.
      • Merged by Adam Wead.
  4. JRuby support (mbklein)
    1. Pull request put in for Nokogiri by mbklein.
    2. ActiveFedora and OM test pass.
    3. We can get started with exploring Hydra on JRuby.
    4. UM asked about JRuby at Hydra Camp.  Possibility of App servers instead of creating a ruby environment.


  1. Next Call: March 10th
    • Moderator:  Justin Coyne
    • Note taker: Thomas Scherz