Committers Call 2014-06-02

Committers Call 2014-06-02

Moderator: Glen Horton (Cincinnati)

Notetaker: Thomas Scherz (Cincinnati)


Jim Coble (Duke)

David Chandek-Stark (Duke)

Glen Horton (UC)

Carolyn Cole (PSU)

Adam Wead (PSU)

Justin Coyne (DCE)

Lakisha Robinson (Yale)


  1. Call for additional agenda items
  2. Solrizer 3.2.0 is out (awead)
    1. New boolean functionality.
    2. Adam will compare the Gemspec of ActiveFedora to confirm Solrizer will work with it.
      1. OM and Hydra will need to update the Gemspec beyond ~>3.1.0.  Adam will do this.
    3. We will put this out to the group to determine if anyone needs this functionality now or wait and compile more functionality.
  3. Leases/Embargos (jcoyne)
    1. Posted proposal to Hydra-tech to include leases/embargos in Hydra Head.
    2. Currently has a simple version with just a date and only allows switch from private to public.
    3. Glen voiced usefulness for Hydramata and Jim C also agreed for Duke.
    4. Propose other methods for release from embargo instead of just date.  
      1. Express intention in embargo field.  
      2. Apply intentions of embargo now.
      3. Allow other states besides fully private or fully public.
    5. Glen will communicate to Hydramata project the intentions of integration and share any concerns on hydra-tech.
  4. Sufia 4.0
    1. Adam is okay with a release candidate after final check.
    2. Justin noticed missing icons. 
      1. Intent is to use font-awesome and glyph-icons.
      2. Justin will add issue to github.
  5. Next Call:
    1. 2014-06-09
    2. Moderator:  Carolyn Cole
    3. Notetaker:  Adam Wead


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