Committers Call 2014-04-14
Committers Call 2014-04-14
Moderator: Justin Coyne (DCE)
Notetaker: Chris Colvard (IU)
Lakisha Robinson (Yale)
Jim Coble (Duke)
David Chandek-Stark (Duke)
Carolyn Cole (PSU)
Glen Horton (UC)
Jeremy Friesen (ND)
Mike Stroming (NU)
Adam Hallett (NU)
Justin Coyne (DCE)
Chris Colvard (IU)
Edgar Garcia (NU)
Michael Klein (NU)
- Call for Agenda Items
- Hydra Head 6.4.2 (Jeremy)
- Unable to mint latest gem: "Don't know how to build task 'pkg'"
- `rake build all` not working due to this problem
- Jeremy can't find where pkg task is defined and keeping Hydra-Head 6.4.2 from being released
Carolyn and Jeremy going to work on it (maybe Justin as well)
- ScholarSphere/Sufia 2.0
- Redesign of the UI for flexible screen width.
- Refactoring of UI components
- PSU working on new SS/Sufia...planned release around August
- Others can take a look and give feedback, but how to communicate and decide on UI changes to Sufia?
- Who is using Sufia on this call? Duke using stock Sufia UI so welcoming to improvements
- Justin thinks welcome page should have its own controller and not use catalog controller (take offline)
- ActiveFedora 7.0.2
- Lots of new patches
- Any reason not to roll 7.0.2?
- Justin will get barmintor to do it
- LAMDevConX^5
- Who is going to be there?
- Jeremy, Jim, Mike S., Michael K., Carolyn, Justin, Chris, others?
- Most everyone also going to stay for developer congress
- What to work on during the week?
- AF/HH8 - focus on Fedora 4 -> lots of brokenness Justin expects better plan for contributions next week
- Extract stuff from Sufia and Curate
- Hydramata architecting
- Proxy deposit (Duke)
- ORCID - continue work form ORCID developer gathering
- hydra-editor (David C-S) - could work on making Sufia use hydra-editor
- ActiveFedora scoping and querying (Chris) - specifically https://github.com/projecthydra/active_fedora/issues/352
- Google Doc for LDCX topic ideas: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Myd07JsbbYeS3R9G9axxMdjB8eYkUVV4iD_Lq6rPxWQ/edit#
- Who is going to be there?
- Next Call:
- Date: 2014-04-28
- Moderator: Carolyn Cole (PSU)
- Notetaker: Glen Horton (UC)
, multiple selections available,