Committers Call 2014-03-17

Committers Call 2014-03-17

Moderator: Jim Coble - Duke

Notetaker: Thomas Scherz - UC


Drew - WGBH

Lakeisha Robinson - Yale

Chris Colvard - Indiana

Mike Stroming - Norwestern

Glen Horton - UC

Carolyn Cole - PSU

Adam Wead - RockHall

Edgar Garcia - Northwestern

David Chandek-Stark - Duke

Justin Coyne - DCE

  1. Call for Agenda Items
    1. David - Check in on Hydra gem 6.2.0.rc1?
      • Call for any modifications 6.2.0 final?
      • Timeline? Final call on Hydra-Tech then releasing to 6.2.0
      • Drew will coordinate archiving.
    2. David - SUFIA pull request.  (340)
      • Build appears to be broken.  Rails.  Asset pipeline got in an incompatible version state.  Sass-rails as dependency, compass, and sass.
      • Action:  New pull request to fix build.  Rebase on top of that.
  2.   Archiving github wiki pages (Drew). Implement this plan that was discussed at partners meeting in June '13? It would require adding a step to release process.
    1. Drew - Last week - Discovered we have a plan for deprecated repos , but we need a plan for archiving documentation and code.  
    2. Drew- Follow Blacklight plan of depreciation.
      • Pull and Paste into the repo under doc directory
      • Add step to release process.
    3. Drew - Put archiving plan in place for Active_Fedora .
  3.  Grant commit access to tjohnson & terrellt?  Complete.
  4.  code4lib plans
    1. Rails Bridge - Justin and Carolyn
    2. Intro to blacklight
    3. RDF WG dinner
    4. Attendees:  Yale, Duke, PSU, Northwestern, ...

      5.   ActiveFedora RDF https://github.com/projecthydra/active_fedora/pull/377

    1. Justin - OSU is in.  RDF is in.  Comments about pull.  Waiting for Esme to review.    Week after code4lib.  Final release.  
    2. If they  (OSU) can get it rebased then we could use it as RC3.

Next Call: March 31st

    1. Moderator:  Glen Horton (UC)
    2. Notetaker:   Mike Stroming (Northwestern)