2019-02-26 Meeting Notes and Agenda
2019-02-26 Meeting Notes and Agenda
To join the meeting on a computer or mobile phone: https://bluejeans.com/681749738
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+1.408.740.7256 (US (San Jose))
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Global Numbers: http://bluejeans.com/numbers
Meeting ID: 681 749 738
Facilitator: Nabeela Jaffer
Note taker: Steve Van Tuyl
- New items
- White paper - current status - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RBQPRIsJTG7NvgdOqJCsmE6RdsKHmSjrRFjrUF6qXnw/edit#
- Action items from last time:
- Steve: update Hyrax Roadmap
- Julie: summarize prospective RMC activities in wiki DONE - please review
- Rob: publish Hyku roadmap
- Jon: adapt Avalon roadmap to Hyrax style and publish
- Ben/Mark: report back to RMC with CCMWG plans
- Membership - identifying/inviting a new member
Turnkey Hyrax/Hyku - update
- Wiki gardening (eg. Samvera Solution Bundles)
- New Items:
- Rob wants to know if it's quiet for a reason or if this is just the normal activity cycle
- General sense that we're hibernating or being distracted
- Big breakout at C4L on leaving fedora etc.
- Discussion about whether this community is interested in growth and if so what kind of growth:
- Steering has been discussing as have partners and other groups
- The grapevine is still working away and people out there are grumbling and wondering
- seems important to be able to respond to conversations that touch on the Samvera community (cf recent Library with the Lead Pipe article)
- Would be useful to have a response quickly, even if it is a simple acknowledgement
- Is steering or marketing responsible for these responses? who is responsible?
- We're seeing a lack of coordination around marketing and talking points. Who is going out to conferences? Are we covering the conferences and spaces we should be covering? Hybox project raised our presence, but now there may seem to be a lack of presence because that project is over.
- Action: bring this to steering - who is responsible and how can we take action quickly and coordinate across the community to raise our visibility
- Whitepaper:
- Whitepaper is in good shape as a "where are we now?"
- But this probably doesn't directly enough address the issues of criticism from within and without the community
- We need to stop crafting this doc and get it out into the world - give it a date
- Action: We all need to read the paper and offer a final round of comments - set a date for steering review with a quick turnaround for publish
- Roadmap Council reviews between now and Thursday Feb 28
- Goes to editor for review by Tuesday March 5
- Goes to Steering Tuesday March 5 with requirement to offer comments back by Monday March 11
- Final review by Rodamp Council Tuesday March 12
- Publish Tuesday March 12 - on Website and/or Wiki
- Publish in Annual Report (Julie Allinson will ask Richard)
- Action items from last time:
- Hyrax Roadmap:
- Roadmap is updated on the wiki - Action: please take a look and offer comments
- Update on resourcing and how RMC can help with resourcing asks in the future
- RMC Activites in Wiki:
- Updated - Action: please review
- Hyku Roadmap:
- Done but already ready for updates
- Hyku ready for a full release soon
- IIIF updates
- Behind on version of RIIF so looking to update
- Notch8 announced their Hyku AAS - http://hykuup.com/
- Looking for a new person with Ubiquity to be the primary technical contact - Possibly Francesco (sp?) is a good contact there
- Avalon Roadmap:
- ???
- We lost Ben from RMC so...
- CCMWG has been fairly silent for a bit due to other needs
- First meeting on the books for about a week from now - Component Maintenance Working Group (Phase 3)
- Likely one two week sprint per month
- Hyrax Roadmap:
- Membership:
- Do we want/need two members from CCMWG?
- initially we wanted two folks from CCMWG representing 1) PO for component and 2) Developer for component
- Maybe for now we'll see how it goes with just Mark Bussey and if it isn't working we'll pull in another member
- We also have the ability to pull in folks from other groups at will, so maybe we can do this on an ad hoc basis rather than asking someone to commit to being part of the group
- Do we want/need two members from CCMWG?
- Action: Julie needs to walk the dogs
- Next Agenda:
- Turnkey Hyrax/Hyku:
- Wiki Gardening:
- Roadmap and resourcing coordination
Next Meeting
Facilitator: Mark Bussey
Note taker: jen young
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