Metadata Call 2015-07-01
Metadata Call 2015-07-01
Call-In Info: 1-530-881-1400, access code 651025
Moderator: kestlund (Univ. of Oregon)
Notetaker: sanderson
- carolyn.hansen (Univ. of Cincinnati)
- sanderson (Boston Public Library)
- Kelcy Shepherd (Amherst College)
- ksgerrity (Amherst College)
- Dave Budenberg (Symplectic)
- Daniel Enright (Symplectic)
- kestlund (Univ. of Oregon)
- Rebecca Fraimow (WGBH)
- Subgroup Reports
- Applied Linked Data Subgroup
- June Sprint report on Linked Data Fragments
- No meeting last time so this report back is mostly delayed until after the meeting scheduled for July 9th.
- Trey Terrell has committed some code to Linked Data fragments and been the primary driver of it.
- Steven Anderson has one issue to still submit a pull request for.
- Hopefully can get something in "demo" form for the next call.
- (Side note for anyone doing this in the future: Trey had a suggestion that we should have done daily standups for this to keep momentum up. I concur that this would have helped keep people involved).
- No meeting last time so this report back is mostly delayed until after the meeting scheduled for July 9th.
- June Sprint report on Linked Data Fragments
- Rights Metadata Subgroup
- Feedback requested on
Rights Metadata Working Group
- Minimal rights will require a "Rights statement" with a URI and a "Rights holder".
- If you have a temporary rights situation (say an embargo that restricts rights initially), then you can use "pcdmrts:rightsOverride" and "pcdmrts:rightsOverrideExpiration". These are in the "pcdmrts" namespace since no current properties elsewhere worked well for this use case.Concern over if requiring the EDM namespace could be an issue since most of us won't already use that?
- In cases of sharing metadata, you can have application logic that only exposes the "rightsOverride" when it is valid and otherwise exposes the "EDM" once it expires. Smarter harvesters like DPLA can likely figure it out if you let them know you support this rights recommendation.
- Question if requiring the EDM namespace could be an issue since most of us won't already use that?
- Really need feedback and want to send this out to hydra-tech, hydra-community, islandora before the next call!
- Review next deliverable: Mapping to WebACLs
- No one on call with experience on this. As such, they will follow up with the Fedora 4 group.
- Feedback requested on
Rights Metadata Working Group
- Descriptive Subgroup
- Hoping to have survey deployed in early July and get feedback by end of July in regards to current institutions metadata.
- MODS subgroup to this group was agreed upon.
- Specifically for the topic of taking a MODS XML record and how to map that to RDF that is Linked Data friendly. Essentially go beyond the only available advice of "don't do MODS in RDF".
- Would still get feedback from the Descriptive Subgroup and try to use their target mappings whenever possible as those are developed.
- There is a scheduling survey for this group at: http://goo.gl/forms/3NRYPpwzcj if you are interested.
- Notes from the last meeting with more details:
Descriptive Metadata Call 2015-06-24
- Applied Linked Data Subgroup
- HydraConnect 2015
- There will be a 5-minute lightning talk to go over some of what this group and its subgroups have accomplished.
- Suggestion for a MODS to RDF breakout suggestion that will be added to the list of proposed Hydra Connect 2015 items.
- Applied Linked Data has a 5-minute Lightning Talk suggested for Linked Data Fragments (assuming that is at a state to be used by others).
- Issues / Questions
- N/A
- Additional Items
- N/A
- Action Items
- Feedback on the Rights Draft Recommendation please by 7/10!
- Feedback on the Rights Draft Recommendation please by 7/10!
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