Committers Call 2011-11-28

Committers Call 2011-11-28


  • Julie Meloni (UVA) - moderator
  • Mike Stroming (NWU) - notetaker
  • Captain Ahab (Oceanic Institute)
  • Adam Wead (Rock Hall)
  • Justin Coyne (Media Shelf)
  • Molly Pickral (UVA)
  • Joe Gilbert (UVA)
  • Naomi Dushay (Stanford)
  • Rick Johnson (Notre Dame)
  • Bill Parod (Northwestern University)
  • Matt Zumwalt (Media Shelf)
  • Chris Colvard (Indiana University)

Agenda and Notes

  1. Call for agenda items
    1. New Hydra head - Justin
  2. https://jira.duraspace.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jqlQuery=project+%3D+HYDRA+AND+fixVersion+%3D+%22Weekly+Sprint+for+Nov+21%22+ORDER+BY+status+DESC%2C+priority+DESC
  3. "Office Hours"
    1. Matt - Meant for people that need help with anything related to changes to Hydra components
    2. Adam - Is this for people with tickets?  Matt - Focus as much as possible for people working on a ticket, but there's a gray area
    3. People really like the idea
    4. Naomi - we need to be clear in announcement what this is meant for
    5. Matt - this could be whoever has time to hang out and help fix tickets
  4. log the IRC channel ?
    1. We are currently not logging it
    2. Logging is supported by group
    3. Naomi will ask Stanford folks how we can enable logging with a bot
    4. JIRA ticket created
  5. Next week  - No call on 12/5, next call on 12/12 (notetaker: Justin; moderator: Matt)
  6. Action Items from Combined Blacklight-Hydra committers call
    1. (wiki) for "hardware" used, per number of objects, etc.?
      1. Matt just created a page in the github wiki
    2. separation of MODS editor from core head (from combined Blacklight-Hydra committers call)
      1. Discuss this and the rest at Partner's meeting
    3. Distinguish framework from heads:
    4. Here's Hydra the framework
    5. Here's the Hydra the MODS editor gem
    6. Here's the Hydra gated discovery gem/plugin
    7. Hydra Solr configuration needs work and attention. Modifications are needed to use it in other contexts/environments.
  7. Is there Documentation of Release Manager Duties? (e.g. release notes (from Jira) into HISTORY.textile, symlinked to RELEASE_NOTES)
    1. How often should there be a "release"?
      1. Naomi - would like a wiki page for what a release manager does, will create one from the notes from the partners meeting, JIRA ticket created
    2. HydraHead: schedule a joint Blacklight Hydra call as part of release planning
  8. Unanswered questions on email list:
    1. Adam Wead (R&R HoF) 11/23: OM definitions with and without namespaces
      1. Not sure if what he was seeing is correct or not, Matt: it's a bug, Adam will create a bug ticket
    2. Richard Green (Hull) 11/23: should rights metadata be conferred on child objects?
      1. Matt: this is big picture architecture issue, this was something that was never implemented (therefore it hasn't been removed)
    3. Chris Colvard 11/23: Hydra::AccessControlsEvaluation not being included when needed
      1. Resolved with Justin on IRC today
  9. Jira Weekly Round up from Sprint for Nov 21 (today):
    • (from 11-21) Matt will look into issues with jetty wrapper and rake tasks, cleanup Jira tickets and give us a clean git tree!# JettyWrapper update
    • Ticket review:
  10. JIRA grooming
  11. Other issues:
    1. Naomi - we should make sure Hot Plate tickets get taken care of sooner rather than later
    2. Justin - new Hydra head today (patch release)
  12. 12/12 moderator (Julie) and notetaker (Justin)
    1. No call on 12/5

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