Committers Call 2011-08-29

Committers Call 2011-08-29


  • Justin Coyne (notetaker)
  • Bess Sadler
  • Joe Gilbert
  • Edwin Shin 
  • Matt Zumwalt (moderator)
  • Molly Pickral
  • Naomi Dushay
  • Rick Johnson


  • Sprint for August 22 (last tuesday)
  • Sprint for August 29 (today)
  • Sprint for Sept 12 (tuesday after next)
  • Jesse and Joe finished last items holding them back from completing phase 2 of UI development in hydra-head.  Created a step-by-step workflow without javascript and then added javascript that pulls all steps onto a single page.  Nicer css and HTML5 validation.  This work is essentially done.  There is one bug with file asset deletion which has just been fixed.  Now ready to push to master.  Adding multiple keywords and topics do not work right now.  Pushing to master after this call.  Phase 3 will add AJAX saving on the fly and add elements without refresh.
  • Discussion of the utility of a generic content views.  There aren't any tests for these views. Should we have an example object with  Dublin Core in the descMetadata?  Historically, we've been recommending MODS as the descMetadata. -- For the partners meeting: What should the exemplar models be? How should they be displayed? What is the default model? What assumptions should these views make about the models?  Who is interested in doing this work?
  • Agenda for the Hydra partners meeting?  https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/hydra/September+2011+Agenda+and+Notes


  • No meeting next week due to Labor day.

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