February 8, 2019

February 8, 2019

Samvera Partners Call
Friday, February 8, 2019
11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr 

Meeting number: 737 192 431 
Meeting password:h9cwrT45

Join from a video conferencing system or application
Dial  738605799@tufts.webex.com

Join by phone
+1-617-627-6767 US Toll
Access code: 737 192 431 

Code of Conduct

We want Samvera Community to be a fun, informative, engaging event for all our partners and participants. We've got a few strategies to help make this happen:

    1. We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.

    2. We have officially adopted an Anti-Harassment Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers 


Facilitator: Robin Ruggaber

Note Taker: Mike Korcynski


Discussion items


Steering Group will be making available summaries of their meetings from the beginning of this year.  In addition we would like a standing item on Partner agendas of "Any items Steering Group should discuss on their next call", please.

  • Steering Group summaries are now available.
  • We'd like to make this a standing item on the agenda at Partners meetings if people have items they'd like to discuss at a future meeting based on the summaries.
  • Robin will email people today to review information about their Working Group or Interest Group and sunset or archive any groups that are no longer active, and will get back to Richard with a proposal on how to go about doing that. Is there any other groups looking at this? No, and it is needed, as it came up in the virtual connect planning.

Work has started on Samvera's 2018 Annual Report. 

  • Richard gave a Samvera Annual Report update. For the past few years we've produced a written report, many people have found it useful as a document to bring to senior colleagues to show the value of contributing to Samvera. Will be used as part of the Fund raising drive this year. Needs list of events for 2019, with some approximation of when it is happening. Call for photos of people or places relevant to last years activities.

  • Dan said Penn State went to Princeton to discuss valkyrie should probably go on the list

  • What about meetings held in Europe? They're on the list.

  • West Coast Regional meeting is on the list

  • If you want to make something visible to upper layers of administration this is the time to do it.

Virtual Connect ramp-up

  • Ryan and Chrissy Rissmeyer(sp?) are working on organizing
  • Going well so far. Dates set April 23-24
  • Call for submissions is out, very low response rate, talk to your teams about what you're submitting
    • Happening in Avalon community right now
  • They're going to extend the call for submissions a bit, it was supposed to close on Monday.
  • Working Groups: some of the groups were clearly inactive when they tried to contact each working group for an update for virtual connect
  • Worth bringing to Virtual Connect a friendly reminder to keep working group info up to date
    • Robin would be glad to be a point person.
    • If you have any notes on who is responsible for these groups, let Ryan know.
  • Do people have ideas for proposals they intend to send in? Or ideas they'd like to see presented? We could encourage people to submit on topics you're interested in.
  • Virtual Connect and the value of having it before or after the spring partners meeting? Didn't really talk about the impact of that. If we had it before the partners meeting there may be somethings that come out of that which may be useful to discuss at the Partners meeting. Too late to address now.

Spring 2019 Partner Meeting

  • Jon Dunn:
    • Reminder that the spring partners meeting is April 23-24. We encourage representation from all partners in person. Should be a good remote option available as well.
    • Margaret Mellinger and Jeremy Friesen will facilitate. thanks to both of them and their institutions.
    • Travel and hotel details are now listed.
    • If you're going to attend in person OR virtually PLEASE add your name to the attendee list so they can plan logistics.
    • Beginning list of topics for discussion, please go and add topics you want to see covered there.
    • There is a hope expressed that regular reminders will go out. Last reminder went out Monday, more will follow.
    • This year is a bit of an experiment to see how this goes not pairing this with LDCX, we'll evaluate to see how this goes and we want to do this again in future years.

IG/WG Updates at both Virtual and F2F Meetings (Andrew Rouner)

  • Andrew Rouner discussion point: status of working and interest group updates. Thought they were very effectively done at Virtual Connect in the past but in the in person meeting they tend to compete with other things people want to hear. What is the plan for how they're going to happen at VC this year? Do we want to consider if they should continue in the physical connect or whether that should be referred to the program committee or something partners should discuss.
    • Fostering time for those groups to have time at partners meetings to work together face to face.
    • If you're involved in a group do you feel you've had sufficient time scheduled in to meet face to face at meetings? Clarification this is really about updates rather than working group meetings.
    • Karen: during the virtual connect, feedback suggested people really appreciated hearing the updates.
    • The original idea was that a report out every 6 months would be useful.

Richard Green welcomed some new people to the call:

  • A couple of new names on the call, Richard just wanted to welcome them. Harriet is AUL at Wash U.

Next Meeting

  • Facilitator: Ryan Steans
  • Note taker: Andrew Rounder

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