Committers Call 2013-11-18
- Moderator: Andrew Myers (WGBH)
- Notetaker: Justin Coyne (DCE)
- Attendees:
- Carolyn Cole (Penn State)Adam Wead (Rockhall)Chris Colvard (IU)Glenn Horton (U Cincinnati)Thomas Scherz (U Cincinnati)Andrew Meyers (WGBH)Michael Klein (NW)Micheal Stroming (NW)Edgar Garcia (NW)Adam Hallet (NW)Jesse Keck (Stanford)
- Carolyn Cole (Penn State)
- Call for agenda items
- Delete that one wiki page? - Yes. Andrew will do that.
- Do we need Sufia support for Rails 3? - No. Carolyn will fix this
- No one has said they need it.
- No one has offered to support it.
- So far Hydra-tech has supported removing rails 3 support.
- Justin is working on a ruby IIIF image server for Rails
- Next call: Dec 2nd (skipping Nov. 25th)
- Moderator: David Chandek-Stark
- Notetaker: Glen Horton