Committers Call 2011-07-25

Committers Call 2011-07-25


Mike Stroming
Rick Johnson
Jessie Keck
Matt Zumwalt
John Scofield
Justin Coyne
Bess Sadler
Eddie Shin
Naomi Dushay


Jira Review

Call Time

All agreed that we'll switch to 8:30 Pacific time 

What advice to give to new adopters right now?

Staying with rails 2 isn't really an option. People who have concerns with moving to Rails 3, we need to acknowledge their concerns but still encourage them to work with rails 3. We can't continue to support rails 2. 

Now that jira review is on Mondays, releases will also be on Mondays. The dates in jira have been updated to reflect this. 

Next week's release will be August 1, and the jira list is here: https://jira.duraspace.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jqlQuery=project+%3D+HYDRA+AND+fixVersion+%3D+%22Weekly+Sprint+for+Aug+1%22+ORDER+BY+status+DESC%2C+priority+DESC

Upgrading solr

Eddie is in the process of upgrading solr in hydra-jetty. He will write an email describing this work and some of the upgrade implications and send it to the mailing list. 

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