Committers Call 2011-05-23

Committers Call 2011-05-23


Bess Sadler
Bill Parod
Edwin Shin
Jessie Keck
Matt Zumwalt
Mike Stroming
John Scofield
Rick Johnson
Molly Pickral


Hudson fixed! (Eddie)
hydra-head status (Matt)
jettywrapper issue (John)

Hudson fixed!

Sustained successful builds on Hudson

Eddie will send an epic email about how this was fixed.
As far as we can tell, the problem was the version of libxml2
Tests also passed on 64 bit CentOS with the broken libxml2. Not sure why.

Solution: Rebuilt RPMs for latest libxml2 so they will install properly on CentOS

The RPMs are not signed. Otherwise, they're ok to release. Eddie will post them to the ticket HYDRA-469

Bess suggested posting them on github in the projecthydra account. Eddie will do that.

Another Issue to watch for: Bundler seems to occasionally choke on native gems

Intermittent issue that Eddie wanted to call people's attention to. The fix might be to pin to a specific version of rubygems.

jettywrapper issue

Two cases where false successes occur with jettywrapper – tests fail, but jettywrapper returns success

  1. If the task is invoked without RAILS_ENV=test, rake won't pick up the exit status.
  2. Any of the tasks you call within the jettwapper need to check for failure and pass the failure up to jettywrapper

Option: When defining a hudson build, call rake tasks with '-ex' flags.

  • this might not be good because it might prevent jettywrapper from shutting down jetty

hydra-head status

RSpec tests are now passing consistently.
Cucumber tests that are applicable to hydra-head have been migrated over and are passing. (1 test failing due to how fixture is imported)

UVa will be re-introducing the JS behavior into the application.  As part of that work UVa will do a visual pass through to get the de-branded UI looking nice (the process of removing javascript introduced some odd layout issues).

Once that is complete we will then need to migrate everything to rails 3 (will most likely need to make all other gems rails3 friendly first).

Given that OR is 2 weeks away we need to spend some time to make the rails 2 version more easily installable.  There are two approaches we can take.
1) Template installer like Blacklight's.
2) Have a fully installed application that can be downloaded and installed easily.  We need to make sure that the components are upgradable.  This installed application doesn't need to have the ability for the developer to contribute back from it, they will need to install manually to do that.

Matt will setup the branch that is clone-able soon.

We will need to define where in the application we want to apply javascript to enhance the user experience.

Will need to document how we're handling some of the progressively enhanced sections of the app because in some cases the "official" documentation does not provide you with that information.

We have documentation in each individual component but we need one comprehensive document that can run you through the entire stack.

We have 4 major tasks that we want to accomplish before OR.

Document how to do a raw install

Matt Z. will write a tutorial about how to use the fully installed hydra-head (w/ Bess) and will hand it over to Julie to walk through and make sure it's clear from a more outside perspective.

Re-apply javascript behavior

UI pass through to make sure hydra-head will provide a nice clean application once installed.

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