Metadata Call 2024-08-27

Metadata Call 2024-08-27

Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm Eastern

Call-In Info: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

Community Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iaH6zpXc32K3Llz9uKp8DYN-wqzEo9A6kfHtt4xmpx8/edit?usp=sharing

Moderator(s): Annamarie Klose

Notetaker: Emma Beck


  • Annamarie Klose, Ohio State University

  • Emma Beck, University of Louisville

  • Anna Goslen, UNC-Chapel Hill

  • Heather Greer Klein, Samvera

  • Benjamin Riesenberg, University of Oregon

  • Steve McDonald, Tufts University

  • Cara Key, Oregon State University

  • Meredith Hale, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

  • Christine Peterson, Amigos Library Services

  • Morgan McKeehan (she/her/hers), Oregon State University Libraries & Press

  • Rachel Jacobson (she/her/hers), Georgetown University

  • Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)


  • Samvera Data Models (from Slack)

    • Oregon (?) data model example - Hydra::Works PCDM Diagram

    • Does anyone have or would be willing to get a RDF dump? Benjamin Riesenberg (briesenb@uoregon.edu) from University of Oregon would like to use it to investigate

    • If it’s fedora 4 its PCDM (Hyrax 3 is fedora 4)

  • Ordering of compound objects

  • Broken up source field (Georgetown from Slack)

    • Georgetown developer fixed it!

    • Ended up being a Solr problem

    • “The solution to our Source issue was: we had to make the field sortable (“sim”) within Blacklight, indicated that it should be "facetable" in an additional file, BasicMetadataIndexer, and then reindex”

  • Changed title in collection, and then the collection would not show up in the filtering

    • Some others have had similar but not quite exact issues, seems like Solar/Hyrax/Hyku is almost remembering the previous system but not quite

    • The solution thus far has been to completely delete and re-upload the content

  • Vendor packages questions - Tufts 

    • Ingesting content 

  • Roadmaps alignment group update

    • Representatives from various samvera products

    • Technology community report should be out before the end of the calendar year that would discuss various developments in the community 

    • How do we support various developments going on in the community. Avalon is kinda doing its own thing. Hyrax and Hyku are a bit more community based. The newest release of Hyku 6 should have allinson flex, which would make it possible in Hyrax

  • AllinsonFlex

    • SMIG_2023-06-27_Hardesty_Bulkrax-and-AllinsonFlex-Demo.mp4

    • In the next few weeks it should be in Hyku and we should be able to see it there

    • Allows people to design a set of fields with a context that can be assigned to an admin set or specific fields

    • Amigos has headed up some work with British LIbraries and PALS with the goals of:

      • UI for editing/creating metadata

      • Optional ability to make updates with upload of YAML file will be retained

      • Ability to create and update new work types and metadata profiles

      • Create fields or edit/update field names

      • Ability to determine which fields are required

      • Contexts, a preset of metadata fields related to a specific repository or source, attached to an

      • M3 (Machine-readable Metadata Modeling) metadata specification

    • We’re still working through what this will exactly look like, but it has a lot of possibilities

  • UI is able to see more than 10 facets in the more dialog which sounds like not a default


Next meeting September 24th