Metadata Call 2020-09-22
Metadata Call 2020-09-22
Time: 3:00-4:00pm Eastern
Call-in Info: https://unc.zoom.us/j/211033358?pwd=WERUdnBWeHRqRVBRMmlOVWU3SlN0QT09
Notetaker: Anna Goslen, Nora Zimmerman
Community Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16QJ6VoWG0SFcHZf0Bed5JvgPpBaaH7P0T9UTM_X0Qu0/edit?usp=sharing
- Anna Goslen (UNC Chapel Hill)
- Jen Young (Northwestern)
- Nora Egloff (Lafayette)
- Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
- Cara Key (Oregon State University)
- Emily Stenberg (Washington University in STL)
- Annamarie Klose (Ohio State University)
- Rachel Jaffe (UC Santa Cruz)
- Ryan Wick (Oregon State University)
- Subgroup Reports
- URI Selection Working Group - Ryan
- No major updates but the group is communicating. More soon?
- Geo Predicates Working Group
- No update/on hold
- Controlled Vocabularies Decision Tree Working Group - Julie
- Feedback from SMIG last month was helpful. Have added some details to the Hyrax examples. Almost ready to send out for wider review to samvera-metadata list
- Hyrax Metadata Application Profile Documentation Review Working Group - Nora
- Meeting last week. Final stages of testing for Hyrax 3. No more changes to metadata profile. Reviewing M3 spec, make a version of that for Hyrax 3.
- URI Selection Working Group - Ryan
- Roadmaps Alignment Group Update - Jen Young
- Name change has taken effect.
- Last month participated in interviews for community manager for Samvera. Excellent candidates.
- Issues/Questions
- Annamarie: YAML files for vocabularies. Could these somehow be incorporated into M3? Referenced by M3?
- For the Hyrax M3 spec, might be useful to include whatever YAML files are included out of the box (e.g. licenses, rights statements, resource types)
- Other local implementations of M3 could possibly incorporate additional vocabularies
- Ryan: sharing QA configs to give out-of-the-box controlled vocabulary choices
- Annamarie: YAML files for vocabularies. Could these somehow be incorporated into M3? Referenced by M3?
- Topics
- Reminder - Samvera Connect CFP for lightning talks and posters still open through first week of October
Next Call : November 24, 2020, 3-4pm Eastern
- Skip October meeting due to Samvera Connect.
- There will be a demo meeting on Nov 24th, recorded for folks who can’t make it
- Topic: linked data metadata remediation workflow (Lafayette)