Controlled Vocabularies Decision Tree Working Group

Controlled Vocabularies Decision Tree Working Group

Scope & Objectives

This working group is interested in providing guidance for selecting and using controlled vocabularies behind descriptive metadata fields. This guidance will be useful within Hyrax and other software incorporating metadata fields that could benefit from controlled terms for consistency and accuracy. This group is a working group of the Samvera Metadata Interest Group.

Deliverables and Timeframe

The initial goals of this group are:

  • Define use cases for needing controlled vocabularies behind metadata fields (in Hyrax and more generally)
  • Identify sources/steps for locating controlled vocabularies (scoped to cultural heritage)
  • Identify decisions/steps necessary to evaluate the use of a controlled vocabulary
  • Hyrax-specific: Identify steps to take for how to add a controlled vocabulary for use behind a descriptive metadata field in Hyrax


These deliverables will be completed in phases. The use cases will probably only require a month or two to gather. Identifying sources for controlled vocabularies and the decision tree steps necessary will happen next and take more time. A goal date can be Samvera Connect in October 2020 with Hyrax-specific steps identified in time for Samvera Connect or soon after.

Controlled Vocabularies Decision Tree

Meeting Times & Communication Channels

This working group has finished its work, and is no longer meeting.

Meetings will be held at most bi-weekly during the time the working group is active via conference call/video chat. Meeting agendas and notes will be shared with the community via chat (Slack) and Samvera Lists (Google Groups). Members of the group may wish to meet more often as needed.

First meeting time is set for Tuesday, February 18, 2020, 1-2pm Eastern

Regular meeting time: Every 2 weeks starting Tuesday, March 3, 3-4pm Eastern; Regular meeting updated to every 2 weeks on Wednesdays starting Wednesday, April 29, 4-5pm Eastern

Slack: #cv-decision-tree



Working Documents

Meeting Notes

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